Friday, October 26, 2018

The Block System for Your Life

The inspiration for today's message comes from observing a loved one's performance in his first year at a public university that uses the block system.  The block system refers to a one class at a time strategy.  This is laser focus on one subject for approximately eighteen days before moving on.  There are no distractions.  It's like building a house.  The first step is to draw up the plans.  Nothing else happens until the foundation is poured.  Construction crews focus all their energy on a single step before moving on.  Whoala!  A house appears.

Imagine a block system for your life.  Think about what you can achieve with super intense focus on one area of your life at a time.  Why not "block out" specific days and hours to be used solely for one item on your to do list?  I do find there are times in my life when things get muddled because I'm layering too many things at the same time.  This is inefficient and time consuming.  I can accomplish more when I have focus.  Give the block system a try and  discover the joys of focused energy.  Have a great day.

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