Monday, October 22, 2018

It's All About the Culture

I'm on my final three days of my special assignment to assist with our expansion efforts at my day job.  This has been a great opportunity to spend time with amazing people from all over the country who share a passion for spreading our culture and our values.  Perhaps one of the biggest lessons I learned during my time here in the Midwest is the art of letting go.   Looking back, it's the things I tried to hold on to that prevented me from living a full life.  I'm happy to report success in conveying our values to our new family members. 

I would like to share one more personal note before I head off to my day job this morning.  It's amazing to me how many  specific people God is sending my way to help nudge me back to my current project.  I've been stalled to deliver a book about my food journey.  The more I let go and let God be in charge, the more I'm able to see about what needs to be uncovered.  The answers are in the people I'm meeting.  Please know I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be and I will get the job done, no matter how busy my life may be or how many challenges I encounter.  Right now, I'm going to enjoy this day and the people I'm blessed to be with during our journey together.  Have a great day.

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