Captain's Vlog
Star Date 01.13.2025
The Caveman Routine Explained to Carlos, My Tennis Teammate
Good morning, Carlos, and hello to my friends, family, and followers. Thank you for showing up on my newly formed Facebook Livestreams. Your feedback has been invaluable, helping me improve so my vlogs don’t feel like nails on a chalkboard.
Before diving into Carlos’s question about my routine, I want to welcome newcomers. My hope is that you’ll keep coming back, even though some parts of my routine and vlogs are raw and unedited. Your presence brings me immense joy. Recently, Carlos asked about my daily routine during a livestream, but I couldn’t answer right away as the vlog was already running long. Today, I’m taking the time to walk Carlos—and anyone else interested—through my routine.
My Morning Routine
I wake up without an alarm. On days I wake at a desired time, I head to the bathroom and turn on a bright light as I’m usually up before dawn. My goal is to achieve “blue zone” sleep, but that doesn’t always happen. If I’m dealing with significant challenges, I sometimes fall into the “red zone,” as tracked by my smartwatch. This data helps me make adjustments as I incorporate new elements into my routine, such as my Captain’s Vlog.
Prayer and Gratitude
My mornings begin with prayer. I thank God for granting me another day to serve His will. Then, I say a simple yet profound prayer I found online: “Oh Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything.” I repeat this ten times as a reminder to trust in God’s plan.
Next, I say the “Our Father” prayer that Jesus taught, followed by the “Hail Mary,” which originates from the Bible. My pastor encourages saying it three times daily, so I’ve added it to my routine. Finally, I let God know I’m ready for whatever He has planned.
After prayer, I turn to my gratitude journal. Even on challenging days, there’s always something to be thankful for.
Sleep Tracking
This morning, I woke up at 5:03 a.m. after 6 hours and 46 minutes in bed, with 5 hours and 53 minutes of actual sleep. My sleep quality was rated as “fair.” Lately, I’ve been taking Ashwagandha to improve my restfulness and return to the “blue zone.”
Diet and Daily Activities
On workdays, I follow a 2MAD (two meals a day) schedule, eating breakfast and dinner with no snacks in between. On days off, I typically do OMAD (one meal a day). My meals consist of natural foods like burgers, steaks, cottage cheese, bacon, and eggs.
I’ve also adjusted my supplement stack, detailed in my book Live Long and Prosper. Recently, I stopped taking niacin due to skin rashes, which cleared up after discontinuation.
Fitness and Tennis
Tennis is a significant part of my routine. On Wednesdays, I practice doubles with my teammates for two hours, rarely sitting down. Saturdays are for league matches or intense cardio tennis sessions followed by doubles. My secret to avoiding fatigue lies in my carefully refined daily habits.
Evening and Downtime
TV time with my wife is limited to about an hour in the evening. We often end the day by watching a series or movie before heading to bed between 8:45 and 9:30 p.m.
Writing and vlogging projects are broken into 15-minute increments, with 15-minute breaks every two hours. This keeps me productive without burning out.
Final Thoughts
Carlos, I hope this answers your question. I may vlog about my routine on my next day off, Wednesday. My newest focus is refining my vlogging schedule, while keeping an eye on the March 17, 2025 release of The Adventures of Castaway Wilson.
To everyone reading this, routines are essential. Some serve us well, while others may need adjustment. Take time to analyze your habits and make small, deliberate changes. One of my most dreaded daily choices is jumping into a cold shower before the hot water kicks in. However, this builds discipline and floods my brain with endorphins for hours.
If you’re unsure how to start your own transformation, begin with a small challenge like this. Thanks for joining me today, and as always, have a great day!
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