Monday, July 23, 2018

Get Healthy

Beware of the dangerous toxins around you.  They're everywhere – your thoughts, your food supply and your environment.  Good health is optimized when all three areas of your life are functioning properly.  Pay attention to your body, mind and spirit.  If you feel more like a withering plant than a thriving champion of your dreams, you're probably struggling with a deficiency in one or more areas of your life.

Your body cannot be healthy if you're feeding it garbage or failing to get some exercise.  Nor can your mind if negativity is seeping in from outside sources.  Your spirit is where all your dreams and creativity reside.  Failure to allow your spirit to recover from adversity or enjoy nature will prevent you from getting healthy.

You deserve a healthy body, mind and spirit.  Eat right, sleep right, exercise right and think right.  Be consistent.  Get healthy.  Have a great day.

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