Friday, January 5, 2018

There's No Place Like Snow Place

My Arizona/California friends probably have a challenge comprehending this, especially when the news reports show how difficult life can be when something like a "bomb cyclone" strikes your neighborhood, but life in the snow, especially if you're a writer, can be rewarding.  There are virtually no distractions.  Snow day?  That's a freebie for me.

There are those on the under end of the spectrum, like Hawaii residents, who suffer from something called Island Fever.  The weather may be ideal, however, some get a claustrophobic feeling from being disconnected to the outside world.  I'm one of the fortunate ones who can thrive in any situation or circumstance.  I truly believe there's no place like snow place.  There's a certain quietness when the a blanket of snow muffles outside noises.  There's a crispness in the air when it reaches subzero temperatures.  I'm living it up.  Have a great day.

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