Thursday, January 25, 2018

Take a Mulligan on Your Resolutions

We are twenty-five days into the new year.  How many of those resolutions became permanent habits?  If you're still moving forward, congratulations.  The odds are in your favor.  For everyone else, it's time for a mulligan – a do over or reset.  I recommend picking one area of your life you want to improve upon and go with that.

The area of my life I'm seeking to improve has to do with vacations.  There is a plan in place to take more time off without sacrificing long-term financial goals.  I'm willing to keeping hitting that reset button every month until I find the right formula for making this a permanent part of my lifestyle.  The envelope method is a part of this and it's really simple.  Set aside money every week in an envelope marked "vacation."  Don't raid it.  And when it's time to take a break, use the envelope to pay for your trip.  I'm finding it's easier to set aside money when I know it's going to be used for something fun down the road.  Good luck pushing that reset button today.  Have a great day.

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