Saturday, September 30, 2023

Why Your Faith Must Be Uncompromised

 Do you know anyone in your circle of friends with uncompromising faith?  If you do, count your blessings.  If you don't, keep in mind you are living in dark times controlled by the enemy of our Creator.  Those with uncompromising faith offer a way out of the darkness.

There are three areas of my life intertwined with today's, finances, and faith.  All three of these happen to be where the Enemy has struck with vengeance.  I will share the details in "Live Long and Prosper."

The flip side of my life's story is where the Dark Side has the most power.  Most of the world has been bamboozled, tempted, and shut out, especially in the darkest days we are now living in.  We are the frogs in hot water and we are boiling to death without really being aware how dangerous the temperature happens to be.  The Enemy turns up the heat one degree at a time to keep us from noticing.

Let me offer one specific example...How are you doing with attendance at your house of worship?  What is the reason you fall short?  What are you going to do to get back on track?  Are you willing to be uncompromising when it comes to doing what the Creator asks of you?

Those 10 Commandments Moses hand carried from the top of the mountain are for you and me.  11 tribes out of 12 were already deep in false worship when Moses returned after a short absence.  They suffered great consequences.  The one tribe willing to put God first was the only tribe allowed to lead worship services.  If 11 tribes out of 12 of God's Chosen Ones can blow it in front of someone like Moses, what are your chances of survival in these times?  Maybe that's a valid reason for you to become uncomprising in your pursuit of God.  Have a great day.

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