Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Human Soladarity

 The adjustment process working away from home in new communities can sometimes appear overwhelming.  My routine is out of whack.  I do my best to find consistency amidst the chaos.  This morning I woke up early enough to get current with my daily podcasts from my mom's favorite YouTube pastor.  Yesterday's podcast, Human Soladarity, helped me connect the dots at the perfect time.

Human soladarity is about connecting with others.  Sure, it's easy to connect with those who come from similar backgrounds, like members of a specific congregation.  What about those outside your circle of friends?  I had one of those moments yesterday when Matthew returned to our tent to sign up for a membership.  I was on a lunch break so my teammate handled the paperwork.  Matthew was waiting in his vehicle when I walked up to chat.  Matthew brought up two of his favorite interests, history and theology.  History is a safe subject.  Theology means many thing to many people.  Perhaps that why there are so many denominations throughout the world.  Matthew surprised me when he invited me to visit his men's group later this week to participate in an ongoing discussion about theology with a group of people from all walks of life representing multiple denominations.

"I'm 90% in" I said, sharing that my schedule it at the discretion of the local management team I'm serving.  Matthew asked for my blog address and told me he would check out my stories.  If this works out, this will be a great example of human soladarity that Matthew and his team have been practicing for years.  I'm thankful for the invitation.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

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