Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Joy of a Good Decision

Those of you who have followed my stories see a familiar theme; I'm the guy who seems to make mistakes often.  There are enough missteps in my life to reach the moon and back.  One may wonder, how can one guy mess up so much?  Perhaps it comes down to one simple thing – decision.  Everything that is good begins with a good decision.  Are you with me?  If not, think back to a time in your life when you made a bad decision.  What happened?  I bet you discovered the bad decision led to trouble.  Perhaps you wish you could take back some of those bad decisions.  

If small decisions lead to small victories, what happens when you make big decisions?  I'm referring to decisions that are life altering...decisions with eternal consequences.  Sure, I may have blown it most of my life when it comes to poor small decisions.  Despite all these wrong turns, I made one very good decision that cancels out every screw up.  This decision is my choice to get closer to God.  For those of you who don't know God, my recommendation is for you to discover who God is.  Not knowing God is a decision albeit a choice that will get you in hot water.  Ignorance is simply a bad choice.  

Like it or not, your judgment day will come at the end of your life.  Jesus is going to look you in the eye and ask, "Are you with me?"  Your life on earth will be your answer.  You can't cheat on your answer.  Make a good decision today.  Choose to be closer to Jesus with every step you take.  Should you make a misstep, ask Jesus to forgive you and try again.  My prayer for you is that you discover the joy of a good decision.  Have a great day.

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