Friday, December 30, 2022

Mother Inspires Son to Cross Finish Line on Time

It's confession time.  I struggle with deadlines.  No one knows this better than my mother.  Perhaps one of the lowest points of my life during college was putting together a term paper.  I lived at home and commuted, first to junior college and then Arizona State University.  I worked multiple jobs while attending school and often found myself absorbing material while stopped at red lights.  This is not recommended.  Anyways, I put off an important paper until the last day and I asked my mom to type it for me because I could only type with a couple fingers at a time.  Mom was super fast.  The ribbon broke while she was typing and all the stores were closed.  She typed a few words at a time and advanced the ribbon manually.  It was painful to watch.  I was in the other room handwriting the conclusion.  Even though she pulled an all-nighter, she ran out of time.  That meant I needed to visit her at work to pick up the final couple of pages before the deadline.  I barely made it.  Mom came through big time.  One would think I would change my ways but I didn't.  

My wife tried her best to correct the errors of my ways.  I rarely get sick.  Well, one Christmas season early in our marriage I woke up on Christmas Eve morning with the flu.  My wife crossed her arms and wished me well doing all my last minute shopping.  I got it done but it was one of the worst days of my life.  

My mother inspired me to cross the finish line on time and even early.  Yep.  I did it.  I finished going through the Bible cover-to-cover yesterday morning.  I also learned to type.  When I'm away from my MacBook Pro I use something called the swipe method using just one finger.  This isn't really taught anywhere.  It reminds me of the days when I could only use a couple of fingers at a time for my college papers.  

You might be asking, "How was my mother able to inspire me to complete the BIAY?"  Great question.  She told me about a youth minister in Duluth, Minnesota, who created a podcast with daily Bible readings.  His program covers the entire Bible in 365 days.  Thanks, mom, for encouraging me to meet Fr. Mike Schmitz and for sharing how his YouTube messages help you get closer to Jesus.

As for my deadline deficiencies, I really I need to work on this.  I also understand I need Divine help to complete all my earthly assignments.  Like my mother who helped me during my college years, I'm relying on my guardian angels to get me to the finish line for my latest book projects.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.


Gloria Mulligan said...

This happened sooooooo many years ago, but I can still remember it as if it was yesterday. Mike was working so hard, doing so many things (working, going to school, commuting back and forth to ASU, etc.). I really was so proud of him as he was using his time to accomplish so much. When he told me of his problem, I had to step in and volunteer to help him get his paper typed. Then, CATASTROPHE, the ribbon broke on the only typewriter. It all turned out well and Michael got his degree from ASU. I'm so glad I was able to help with my two cent's worth of typing skills. We can still laugh at this little bit of history and a special bonding moment between Mother and son. Congratulations on all that you are still accomplishing. I'm proud of the "Man" you have become and the blogs that you share with all of us. God Bless You and Your Beautiful Family--ALWAYS. Love, Mom

Michael Mulligan said...

Thanks Mom! I love you!