Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Slight Edge Advantage

 You've seen the evidence.  You've heard the stories.  You're ready to try some of the crazy things I advocate.  The real problem is you don't really believe you can sustain living this way, like keeping your food intake to one meal a day.  Good news.  There's a way to do this without fear of failure.  Ready?

Any huge endeavor is made up of a series of baby steps.  Suppose you want to build your core body strength and do something that appears super human from your current perpective, like the ability to do 1,000 stomach crunches a day.  Crazy, right?  Impossible, you think.  Well, how many can you do today given your current of physical fitness?  Can you do one or two?  Perfect.  Now pause reading this and give me two stomach crunches.  I'm waiting.  Thank you.  Now, tomorrow, get up and add a couple more to your routine.  This is the slight edge approach.

The slight edge works the same way in areas of reduction, like losing weight.  Strive to give up one ounce of weight through small changes to eating habits.  You can give up an ounce today, right?  16 days of this equals one pound.  The slight edge works.

Your body will listen to you if you intoduce change in small steps.  It will cooperate more fully once you build a track record of consistent wins.  The next time someone asks you how you get by on one meal a day, tell them some crazy guy you know told you about the slight edge approach.  You've got this.  Have a great day.

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