Sunday, June 7, 2020

Your Response Doesn't Need to be Fight or Flight

The way we are wired served us really well in the dinosaur days.  Anytime something dangerous approached, we could run and hopefully escape.  These days, our fight or flight response seems to be in overdrive which is wreaking havoc on our wellbeing.  I found a third response that appears to be helping me with my peace of mind.  It's simple.  Just close your eyes and go inward.  This calms the mind, body, and spirit.  I've been doing this daily since September.  Meditation is a powerful way to cope, especially in dangerous times.

My wife and I did a joint meditation this morning.  I found a guided meditation that helps us avoid outside distractions.  There are plenty of these on YouTube.  My recommendation is to pick one that doesn't insert commercials during the meditation.  Save your fight or flight options for those times when you encounter a modern-day dinosaur situation and use your meditations for all other times.  Have a great day.

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