Thursday, June 4, 2020

Mind Hurdles

In my opinion, mind hurdles are some of the most difficult obstacles to overcome.  They don't exist when you're born.  That's why babies are such great explorers.  No one taught them what they can't do.  They don't even understand the concept of failure.  The fear of failure is self-taught.  It becomes a mental hurdle.  Once you teach yourself that your obstacle is permanent, it becomes permanent.

The best way I know how to teach others to overcome self-taught barriers is to show them by my own example of how I'm overcoming mine.  It's amazing to me just how easy it is for others to defend their mind hurdles because they truly believe something is impossible.  I like to ask, "Why do you think that is your belief?"  This is a process.  It takes time to construct a mental hurdle.

When you tell Jesus you can't walk on water or move mountains, I wonder what's going on in his mind.  Does Jesus simply walk on water to demonstrate that this is possible or move a mountain to prove the belief false?  Perhaps the disbelief in Jesus is one of those mental hurdles some people have been stuck in for most of their lives.  Maybe that's why Jesus says you have to become like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Children don't have mental hurdles.  The Kingdom of Heaven is right in front of you.  Take away your mind hurdle and you can enter right now.  Have a great day.

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