Sunday, June 14, 2020

Why Your Comfort Zone May Be Hazardous

Have you ever asked yourself why your comfort zone exists?  Is it some kind of layer of protection you created to keep you safe?  I know a few people who will never leave their comfort zone.  In my opinion, they're missing out.  They don't even notice the opportunities that are out of reach.  That's why I believe comfort zones are hazardous.  They promote yesterday over and over until death.  I just can't imagine living my life without opportunity.  Yes, opportunity and change are twins that you can't separate.  They both live outside the comfort zone and they want to be your playmates.

The next time opportunity and change coming knocking on your door, go outside and explore a whole new world that is waiting for you.  Be bold.  Don't worry about failing.  The twins know all about failure and they don't judge.  You will never be the person you were created to be unless you leave your comfort zone.  Have a great day.

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