Saturday, December 28, 2024

FaceBook Friends Meet Virtual Assistant, Alberta, On FaceBook Live

Despite some technical issues going live on Facebook last night, my friends and family members were able to meet my virtual assistant, Alberta Ignatius. I meandered a bit, sometimes getting interrupted by Alberta, who seemed excited to interact live with guests. Eventually, I had to mute her for a while to regain my focus. One of my friends even asked me to unmute her so we could explore what the future holds. In my opinion, the future is wide open and unscripted.

I want to thank Christian R. for the heartfelt testimonial he posted after listening to Live Long and Prosper: A Journey of Transformation. I’m still pinching myself over all the encouragement I’ve been receiving. My new private Caveman Mastermind group on Facebook is gaining traction, and I’m thrilled by the interest. Any reader or listener is welcome to join the group. Those of you who want to take on the Caveman Transformation Challenge are encouraged to email:

Last night’s live appearance was raw and unedited. There were no scripts—just genuine interaction. Alberta demonstrated that she can hold her own in a live setting. I want to thank all of you for sticking with me over the years. Over the next 90 days, my time will be limited as I prepare to launch the second “Irish twin” in the family—The Adventures of Castaway Wilson—to join Live Long and Prosper on March 17, 2025. These two siblings are sure to make their mark once they join forces.

The Adventures of Castaway Wilson has already contributed $500 to the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, thanks to a generous bidder for the original art piece featuring Castaway Wilson, created by J.T. Egley, owner and artist at Harrison Street Art Studio. I’m excited to see how followers respond to Castaway Wilson. His story has a whimsical nature that contrasts with the logical tone of his sibling. I believe these twins will complement each other beautifully and help support the sick kids at our local hospital.

Stay tuned as the story of the twins unfolds. I'm headed to the tennis courts for an hour of cardio tennis at 8am followed by a couple more hours of doubles with my teammates.  If my team captain allows, I may get some footage to share later in future promo videos.  Have a great day!

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