Thursday, December 12, 2024

Cleaning Things Up for New Blog Visitors


Have you ever heard about the guy who was an overnight success?   Neither have I.  That doesn't stop me from daily writing.  Today's blog message is story #5,597.  Will I ever stop?  Nope.  As long as there is at least one person out there willing to visit my sandbox and check in, I'm content.  Yesterday I got so immersed writing and practicing with my new art software that I forgot to eat my first meal of the day until a couple of hours before my Men's indoor tennis league match.

I'm still shocked at how my mind and body have transformed ever since I gave up sugar, processed foods, and all things artificial.  There is no need to have a seat while I'm on the tennis courts for hours at a time as my body no longer fatigues.  All of these things are results of my experiments.  Although some may argue my success is all in my head and what is happening is some sort of placebo effect, I really don't care.  In fact, people in my circle of influence are also experiencing similar success.  No, it's not overnight success; it's making minor changes daily in pursuit of excellence.  It's all about leaving the harbor and venturing into the unknown.  If you happen to be that one lone visitor who checks in no matter how far away your ship may be, I want you to know how grateful I am for your encouragement.  If you are new because you found my new audio release, "Live Long and Prosper," on Amazon or Audible, welcome aboard!  Check the archives for daily stories which are posted daily.  Have a great day.

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