Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Dopamine Triple Whammy

You've heard stories of people who seem to be in a good mood all the time and you want what they want.  Are you willing to pay the price to boost your own happiness?  

Most of us know what needs to be right, sleep right, and get regular exercise.  What if you knew a shortcut that could give you a quick boost?  I found the answer.  When this solution is applied in the right environment you may feel like you're in Heaven.  This happened to me yesterday while I was spending vacation time with family.  I call this the "triple whammy."

Step one is to find an outdoor location with a cold body of water.  The colder the better.  It helps if you are basking in picturesque surroundings.  If not, close your eyes and imagine you're in your favorite vacation spot.  Immerse yourself in the cold water, head to toe.  Step two is to get out of the water and let the sun dry you off.  Step three is to take a short hike barefoot.  The combination of cold water, warm sun, and exercise while you are connected to the earth will provide hours of happiness that can be attributed to massive dopamine releases.  Researchers have reported dopamine levels can increase 250% when you shock your body with cold water.  Enjoy your triple whammy.  Share this story with a friend so the happiness can be multiplied.  Have a great day.

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