Saturday, October 28, 2023

Guard Rails for Your Goals

Did you ever bowl with guard rails in the gutters when you were growing up?  I remember the experience as motivating because it pretty much set young bowlers up for success.  Who wants to keep bowling when everything goes in the gutter?  The truth is we all want to win.  We want the strikes and the spares.  The same is true with our goals.  We want success.  Guard rails for your goals work the same way.  They are boundaries you set up to keep you from falling into the danger zone.

Let's say you goal is financial independence.  The guard rail may be the small amount of money you carry in your wallet.  It's a daily or weekly allowance.  As long as you don't spend more than your pocket change you find yourself reducing debt.  

How about losing weight.  The guard rails here are your weekly grocery items.  As long as you stick to what's inside the guard rails and avoid visiting places not on the approved list, you are winning.  

You are in charge of where you place your guard rails.  As long as you remember you placed them there to set up future wins you will stay on track.  Give guard rails a try.  Have a great day.

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