Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Place a Timer on Your Tasks

 Time is precious.  Some people say they don't have enough of it.  Others use their time wisely.  The truth about time is it has been allotted to us equally.  1440 minutes.  That's what you get every day.  For me, using approximately 480 minutes for sleeping is time well spent because it allows my body to recover and regenerate.  That leaves 960 minutes.  The way you use those waking minutes determines how much you can accomplish.

If you are in the majority of people who think you don't have enough time to do what you want, consider tracking everything you do for the next seven days.  Everything.  Sleeping.  Eating.  Exercising.  Chores.  Social media.  TV.  Family time.  Working.  Write down how many minutes are spent on each activity.  You will get a pretty good picture of what's important.  What you do most with your time is your top priority.  If that happens to be watching TV, maybe you should consider placing a timer on it so you can devote more time to something that should have a higher priority.  You may discover that you really do have enough time to do what you value most.  Have a great day.

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