Monday, October 30, 2017

Why You Need to Get Back Up

My wife and I have our favorite spot in our house of worship near the back where there's an image of Jesus on the ground.  The caption reads, "Jesus falls the third time."  It reminds me how important it is to finish each assignment no matter how difficult it may be.  And one of the greatest joys is when someone lends a hand to help you get back up after a hard fall.  The first person to assist is usually the one who's "been there, done that."  They know what it's like to hit rock bottom.  You can see some interesting things when you're flat on your back.  Please don't get too comfortable there.  That's not where the race ends.  Be thankful for those willing to offer you comfort and be willing to help those around you who suffer a spill.  Have a great day.

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