Thursday, October 27, 2022

Day 300 BIAY

 I can see the finish line now.  It's 65 days away.  Prior to this journey I have a feeling similar to what my Kindergarten shared when she issued my end of year report card.  Only God knows why my mom saved this report card for over five decades before handing it off to me.  It wasn't pretty.  Maybe I needed to hear the message late in my life.  The report stated, "He could do better."  Yikes!  Maybe that's what my entire life has been – a whole series of moments where I could have done better.  The last thing I want Jesus to say to me is "My son, you could have done better."

How is it that we can get a sense of direction if we're not in touch with our Maker?  Think about that one.  Do you have any idea what God wants from you?  After going through 300 days of guided podcasts including commentary from someone who has dedicated his life to sharing Jesus, mainly with his college students in Duluth, Minnesota, I can honestly say I'm starting to get it.  I'm beginning to understand the hoops God is willing to jump through to reach us.  He really, really wants us back in the family.  God's ways our not our ways.  The way he works is truly a mystery.  That mystery is between the lines of his Heavenly inspired words most of us never bother to read.  

I'm thankful for the last 300 days of my journey.  There are 65 days to go.  Was this easy?  In some ways, yes, but in others, no.  There are distractions.  There are powers and principalities that don't like it when we attempt to get closer to God.  So, there was slippage.  I would sometimes fall three or four days behind.  I would binge listen to the BIAY podcasts on days off.  Now that the finish line is becoming visible, I'm getting quite giddy.  My prayer for you today is that you discover what I'm discovering.  Your particular denomination is not important.  Seek God and he will seek you.  Consider the BIAY.  Jump in anytime.  Have a great day.

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