Friday, May 17, 2024

Sleep Lessons from 6 Months of Tracking

 Life can be messy at times.  That's why sleep is so important.  This is your time to clean up the mess that occurs in your waking hours.  Cut your sleep short and the mess gets messier.  I've been tracking my sleep for six months since acquiring my Samsung Galaxy 6 Smart watch.  The beauty of having your own sleep tracking device is that you can be your own coach.  If this happened to be the only thing my watch could do for me it would be enough for me to say I'm getting a return on my investment.  Actually, my investment was zero after my rebate when I jumped on a Black Friday promotion.

My sleep journey began in the "Needs Improvement" stage which was no surprise since I was going through some stressful situations while away from home for an extended period of time.  There was this gnawing feeling inside me that I was being taken advantage of by my previous cell phone carrier.  My decision to part ways helped me feel like I was breaking up from a toxic relationship.  Do you know anyone who is willing to remain on the phone for hours at a time on a day off just to make sure their voice is heard?  I'm that guy.  I refuse to let a company that I patronize delegate me to robots when all I want to do is speak to a human being.  I also refuse to be treated like garbage when the human I've been waiting to speak to lacks empathy.  I don't blame the poor soul who was unlucky enough to take my call because the real blame goes to the company who made the decision to bring in robots and cut seasoned employees to save money.  All I can say today is my sleep is the best ever and I have proof of this with six months of data.  If you're serious about improving your sleep, the first step is to monitor your sleep.  Experiment with your sleep and find the sweet spot.  Have a great day.

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