Thursday, May 9, 2024

How Did You Sleep Last Night?


Are you having trouble sleeping?  Read on.  Despite a storm that passed through the night last night that kept me up for two hours, much to my surprise, my sleep score reached an all-time high of 95.  The one blemish in the red zone was sleep quantity.  Had I slept two minutes longer, I would have received a near perfect sleep score.  There is a ding for sleeping outside the recommended 7-9 hour range.

If you've been following my stories, you understand my curiosity for finding the best path to success.  I can't say enough good things about my smart watch for measuring the quality of my sleep.  I use the feedback to try new approaches.  So far so good.  Here's what I did during the day yesterday to set up a great night of sleep:

  • Eating window was shortened.  I ate a late breakfast and an early dinner.  Breakfast was at noon.  Dinner was at 3:30.  
  • Breakfast:  steak, two eggs, bacon, and cottage cheese.
  • Dinner:  Steak.
  • Fluids:  water mixed with electrolytes.
  • Activity:  Two hours and twenty minutes on the tennis courts with my teammates (We're getting ready to complete for state titles in two age groups next month).
Summary:  My body was exhausted when I returned home from my tennis.  I hit the pillow about ten minutes after I got home.  According to my smart watch, I entered my first sleep cycle fifteen minutes later.  I had a total of 4 sleep cycles which contributed to 55 minutes of REM sleep and one hour, 35 minutes of deep sleep.  Aside from the two hours I was awake during the storm, my wakefulness was only 12 minutes.  My dreams were vivid and I remember some of them.  I'm certain having a day off also contributed to the quality of my sleep as I was able to eat my meals closer together.  By the way, two meals a day with no snacks is now my norm.  I'm never hungry since making all the changes I note in my latest book release, "Live Long and Prosper."  Lastly, there is almost zero muscle fatigue even though I pushed myself to my limit on the courts last night.  I will continue monitoring my sleep and sharing results with the hope of helping you maximize your own sleep quality.  Have a great day and may you have your best sleep ever tonight.  Should you fall short of your expectations, don't fret.  Sleep quality is a long-term process.  Start with minor changes and build on your success.  Thank you for visiting.

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