Friday, May 24, 2024

More Storms Today


"Don't give in to your fears.  If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart." – Paulo Coelho

The sirens were blaring this morning in our neighborhood confirming what the weather forecasters accurately predicted – possible tornadoes.  If you're like me, when your cell phone starts beeping indicating there is a dangerous storm headed your way, you immediately feel your heart rate increasing.  The fight or flight response goes into high gear.  I spent part of my early morning in my basement until the threat passed.  Besides something like the threat of a tornado, do you ever experience fear that may not necessarily be a real threat?  If so, why do you think this is so?

Perhaps today is a good day to have a conversation with your heart about your fear.  I truly believe your fear can serve as a great motivator.  You don't have to confine yourself to your basement if you can address what is causing you to cower unless there happens to be a tornado nearby.  I'm grateful for the team I had that helped me overcome my fear of getting behind the wheel after my near death experience during a massive snow storm.  I started with baby steps.  The whole process took about six weeks.  The conversations with my therapists changed my outlook.  Now I can talk to my heart about my travel dreams.  There is a time to be in the basement and there is a time to go outside.  Don't let your fears stop you from living your best life.  Your heart will thank you.  Have a great day.

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