Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mountains Ahead

God's specialty is moving mountains.  And man's favorite pastime is creating them.  If your journey is like mine, your landscape may be littered with over-sized fears.  It's so easy to make excuses.  I'm resolving to own up to my mountains.  Yep, every time I cave to my own self doubts, they come tumbling down like boulders in a southern California mudslide, splattering the highway to my dreams. 

Faith and doubt are connected, just like the positive and negative terminals on your car battery.  They are rooted in the spiritual realm.  The negative side didn't become visible until the fall.  Apparently, there were some rebels who thought they could move the mountains better on their own so they were given the opportunity to test their theory – permanently.  They are so mad at themselves for their mistake that they are taking it out on us humans.  Those tiny voices are from the negative side of your human battery and they're trying to short circuit your own beliefs.  Be wary the next time you hear that voice inside your head saying, "you can't do this, stupid."  It's an ugly pimple just below the skin that's going to turn into a zit if you listen to it.  Then the zit becomes a mountain and everyone can see it.  The only way out is to get back to the light.  Turn to the positive.  Ask God to move your mountains.  Have a great day.

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