Wednesday, January 17, 2018

God Made vs. Man Made

If you're a believer, today's story may not be anything new for you.  What I'm hoping for is to reach someone with an opposing view who may read this and at least consider one or two of my thoughts.  The longer I live the more I realize why I'm here and it's definitely not to swim in calm waters free of the sharks.  I'm just closing my eyes and tossing today's bait over the bow for one of those deep sea fish to observe and perhaps nibble on.  Here goes:

Fish:  "Dude, what are you doing with that silly bait you're dangling in front of me?  I know who you are and why you're here.  I've been watching you fish here for over 3,000 days and you're wasting your time with me.  There's no way in Hell I'm going to engage."

Me:  "Sorry for the intrusion.  I know we're from two different worlds and we may not see eye-to-eye on anything, so maybe you could just humor me for a bit and we can share a few minutes together."

Fish:  "Make it quick."

Me:  "This may seem like an odd question, but I want to know about what you've been eating."

Fish:  "Same thing my family's been eating for generations."

Me:  "Really?"

Fish:  "What's your point?"

Me:  "In my opinion, something's changed.  This ocean you're swimming in is polluted.  And I noticed you're spending a lot of time at those fast food places."

Fish:  "So what?"

Me:  "I'm just pondering if that's why you have so much belly fat.  And I'm wondering when you last checked your lipid panels or your blood pressure."

Fish:  "You need to get to the point."

Me:  "Maybe something is missing in your life."

Fish:  "God?"

Me:  "God made."

Fish:  "What do you mean?"

Me:  "Everything you're eating these days is man made.  Processed foods.  Artificial flavorings.  High fructose corn syrup.  That pollution you're swimming in, it's also man-made.  All those health problems you're suffering from, they're man made.  I'm only asking you to consider trying an experiment for 45 days to see if your health improves."

Fish:  "What do I need to do?"

Me:  "Try my bait.  Just a nibble.  There's nothing artificial or processed in it.  All natural stuff, just like what your ancestors consumed.  Fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and seeds.  You can drink a little wine, too."

Fish:  "Dude, I'm a fish.  That's absurd."

Me:  "What's absurd is how sick you really are and you don't even know it."

Fish:  "And what comes after that if I do decide to try your experiment."

Me:  "I would love to see what happens to your health if you try my bait.  If you have a successful outcome, I'd like to go a little bit deeper with you about God made vs. man made."

Fish:  "Who sent you?"

Me:  You wouldn't believe me if I answered that one.  And I don't think you're ready to hear the answer right now.  Let's just stick to what you're eating and see if this experiment might help you improve your health."

The End

Thanks for visiting today.  And if you want to know if I caught anything, the answer is no, not yet.  That doesn't stop me from fishing.  I'll be back tomorrow to try again.  Have a great day.

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