Monday, January 8, 2018

Make This Your Top Food Resolution for the New Year and Beyond

Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  But fool my friends and I'll come after you with everything I have.  I'm fighting back.  My strategy?  It's really simple.  Convince others to "eliminate" foods that may have the potential to kill them.  It's an experiment.  Since "resolutions" are really popular right now, you may label this experiment as a resolution – a resolution that may forever alter the course of your life.  Before you begin, there's one warning you need to be aware of.  There are powerful people in areas of influence who are spending millions of dollars to fool you into believing their products are safe for consumption.  The proof of the lies they tell is in the sick and the dead.  These diseases are man-made.  The source of all the problems is processed foods, like high fructose corn syrup.  The label may as well have a poison warning on it.

Here is your top food resolution for the New Year and beyond:

Avoid all processed foods, foods with labels and any product with artificial ingredients.  Do this for 45 days and monitor your vitals, such as weight, blood pressure and lipid panels.  Consume mostly fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and seeds.  If this doesn't dramatically improve your health, you can go back to your old ways.  And if you feel more alive than ever, make this resolution a permanent lifestyle change.  Have a great day and a great life.

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