Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Greater Than the Sum of the Parts

Aristotle, ranked as one of the greatest philosophers of all times, said, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

I'm beginning to see how this message relates to my life.  Have you ever noticed how improvement in one area of your life affects all the other areas, even though they may appear somewhat disconnected?  Or, if you experience a setback in one area, the other parts of your life also experience a decline?

Like the bones in our bodies, all the areas of our lives are connected.  I'm getting ready for a quantum leap in my personal life and my strategy is to break down the walls separating the bones.  This effort is going to require some planning and cooperation from the people I'm connected to.  If all goes well, Aristotle's quote may become my new catch phrase for the next phase of my life.  You can be the ultimate judge about the whole being greater the sum of its parts.  It's time to get busy.  Have a great day.

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