Monday, February 19, 2024

The Best Mexican Food in Globe


This is a restaurant review of La Casita Cafe, located in Globe, Arizona, my mother's birthplace.  Lupita, a 3rd generation descendant of the Reynoso family who started the restaurant in 1947, welcomed us.

The salad was drizzled with italian dressing and loaded with my favorite toppings including black olives, onions, red and green cabbage, sliced tomatoes, and shredded cheese.  

Next up was the ribeye served with rice and beans and a non-caveman approved tortilla.  Sure, I snuck a taste just to fire up memories of growing up in a home where beans and tortillas were served daily.  

Mom shared stories from her Globe days.  Her dad set up two photography studios in Globe and the neighboring town of Miami.  At night he moonlighted at the railroad servicing the trains while they were stationed near his business.  Grandpa earned extra income to pay cash for necessities.

Lupita stepped outside for a quick photo before returning to a full house.  Mom pointed out that Grandpa's photography studio was just a couple of buildings behind Lupita on the same side of the street as La Casita Cafe.  Lupita's grandmother went to high school with my mom.  Another passerby outside recalled his memories of my mom's family.

I thanked Lupita for my meal and her hospitality.  She requested I return assuring me she would live in Globe forever.  

"When my friends from Iowa visit you, I'm asking them to share that Miguel the caveman sent them to eat at the 2023 business of the year in the Globe/Miami area.  I would like to thank my cousin Ryan for his recommendation to visit La Casita Cafe.  I give them 5 stars for the service and the food.  The red wine mixed blend was also top notch.  You will not be disappointed.  Have a great day.

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