Thursday, January 11, 2024

Unusual Sleep Idea Yields Benefits

 This story is to help me keep a record of my sleep experiments while also sharing my results for the benefit of others who may be seeking ways to increase the quality of their sleep.  If you happen to be waking up in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep, this story may be helpful.

I woke up at 2:30 am.  Most people can get right back to sleep.  Not me.  Sometimes, I'm awake for the rest of the night.  Meditations have been helpful in the morning.  Last night I tried something new – meditating at 2:30AM, the earliest I've ever tried this.  The guided session last more than two hours.  After that, I returned to regular sleep while monitoring my progress for the entire night.  The results are huge... I reached 80 on my sleep score.  All areas measured were in the good range with the exception of the total sleep which was just shy of 8 hours.  Another 15 minutes of sleep and I would have reached the "excellent" range.

Here's the takeaway I discovered...when the meditation is uninterrupted my sleep mimics a regular cycle meaning I'm getting REM and deep sleep while in a meditation session, according to my sleep tracker on my smart watch.  I will be continuing with the experiments and gradually introducing new variables in my pursuit of optimum sleep.  Have a great day.

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