Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Love on the Tennis Courts


The Australian Open is going on right now.  While I'm not watching match play due to my self-imposed time constraints, I am following the athletes, especially the ladies who represent wore-torn Ukraine, a place filled with fiercely independent people who want their people to survive.  This morning I read a story about a 16yr-old from Ukraine, Yelyzaveta Kotliar, who shook hands with her opponent from Russia, Vlada Mincheva, after losing 2-6, 4-6.  Shaking hands?  Really?  What about the enemy?  I'm sure it's pressure enough when your country is fighting for survival and you have to be on the court with the enemy in front of a world-wide audience who scrutinizes your every move.  But shaking hands?  Isn't it bad enough that you lost in front of the whole world?  And now the Ministry of Youth and Sports is looking into your behavior.  Really?

Tennis begins with love.  You start with nothing.  You fight.  You leave your heart on the court.  When it's over, you have a choice – walk away in a show of solidarity or shake hands with the enemy.  What would you do?  What would Jesus do?  Well done, Yelyzaveta.  I salute you.  I'm cheering for you entire country.  You are showing your true colors to the world.  I hope to meet you some day and shake hands with you.  Thank you for showing your opponent and the world some love.  Have a great day.

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