Monday, May 17, 2021

The Neutral Zone

 I had a couple of close calls with the negative zone these last seven days.  The worst situation was in the neutral zone, otherwise known as I-80 where I commute to my day job.  I'm calling it the neutral zone because it's away from my home where I'm centered in positive energy about 98% of the time and I'm mostly away from others.  It's the place where negative energy sometimes appears out of nowhere as in angry drivers.  The encounter yesterday was a neutral zone infraction of the darkest kind, an out-of-state driver who had nothing better to do than get as close to me as Tom Cruise in that MIG encounter where the two met while Tom was inverted and flying close enough where the two pilots could have shaken hands.  This driver threw his hands up in the air as if he wanted me to know how angry he was at my willingness to drive the speed limit in a construction zone.  That didn't phase me.  Neither did the horn honking.  The dude had a wide open lane to pass me and no one else was even close in proximity.  I stayed in my positive zone while he zipped around me flashing the Tom Cruise universal hello with his middle finger.  I remained neutral and let him get on with his sad miserable day.  I caught up to him moments later when he hit the traffic jam led my a couple of semi drivers driving side by side.  His situation gave me a chuckle.

Neutral zone infractions are going to happen.  Remember, you are in charge of how to respond.  If you counter negative energy with negative energy, eventually you will find yourself out of balance.  The choice is yours.  Have a great day.

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