Friday, July 10, 2020

What's Growing in Your Brain Garden?

Like it or not, your thoughts are occupying large amounts of real estate inside your head.  They are like a garden and you're in charge of tending to each and every thought.  I find that tending to my brain garden helps me keep my thoughts well nourished.  Negative thoughts are like weeds that need to be eliminated so positive thoughts a chance to flourish.

It's true no one can see your thought garden but it's also true everyone can get a pretty good idea what kind of thought gardener you are simply by looking at the fruits that are produced from a life well-lived.  Successful people find a way to manage their thought garden on a daily basis.  Take a look inside your head and see what's growing in your brain garden.  If you're not happy with what you see, plant some new thoughts today and start over.  Have a great day.

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