Friday, July 17, 2020

My Favorite Technique for Dealing with Challenges

How are you coping with all the challenges related to COVID-19?  For many of us, this pandemic is pushing us way out of our comfort zone.  I have a solution.  It involves travel, but not the kind that may get you infected.  You don't have to leave your home.  You don't need to pack your bags either.  The only item you need to make this technique work is gratitude.

I would like to add a disclaimer before I share how this technique works.  If you approach this with a closed mind, you won't get very far and you will probably give up before you get positive results.  All I can say is that I've done this so many times that my frequent flyer account now fully funded for a lifetime of travel.

Let's take a look at history to see what we can learn from the patterns.  Would you agree with me that no matter how bad things were in the past, they got better?  The Spanish flu showed up in March 1918 and killed a minimum of 20 million people.  As bad as it was for the people of the time, it did go away.  World War I was terrible.  It ended.  World War II was horrific.  It ended.  COVID-19 is causing life as we know it to stand still.  Just like all the challenges in our past, this pandemic will end.  Now it's time to introduce my technique for helping you to get through this mess we're in.

Pick a point in time when you believe all signs of COVID-19 are gone from the world.  In my opinion, I think three years from now is probably okay.  Pick your ideal place to take a family vacation and imagine all the things you're doing that you can't do right now.  Be specific.  Plan an agenda.  You may not be able to reserve an Airbnb that far into the future but you can certainly get a really good idea of where you can stay based on current inventory for your dream vacation.  Now that you have a picture in your mind of where you're going, close your eyes and imagine you're already there.  Here's where the gratitude comes in.  I want you to pretend this dream vacation already happened.  Say a prayer of thanks for the great time you had.  It's all about gratitude.  That's the magic ingredient that can help you get to your dream destination.  Your mind has no idea that what you're grateful for hasn't even happened yet.  Your brain will start reprogramming itself and start forgetting about all of the present-day fears related to the pandemic.  Every morning when you wake up, keep visualizing that future point beyond the pandemic.  Here's something else that may offer some Divine inspiration.  Jesus, who operates outside of our human time, is already waiting for you in the future you're dreaming about.  The prophet Jeremiah tells us, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." – Jeremiah 29:11.  Don't give up until your dreams come true.  Have a great day.

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