Thursday, March 15, 2018

In Sickness and in Health

Today's message is dedicated to my wife.  She really stepped up during my time of crisis.  Years ago I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was experiencing a heart attack.  She didn't miss a beat, driving me to the hospital, going over check lists in case I didn't make it, and helping me to remain calm.  My emergency room visit turned out to be a false alarm related to drinking too much Mountain Dew.  I changed my ways and immediately got started on a journey to better eating habits.  All seemed well until I hit an ice patch nearly six weeks ago during a severe Winter storm and got t-boned by an oncoming van traveling 50mph.  The real agony for me was being separated from my love the first night I was in the trauma center with seven broken ribs and an injured spleen.  The roads were far too dangerous for her and our daughter to risk driving to the hospital.  Our oldest son kept watch, sharing my corny jokes with my wife to reassure her I was going to be okay.

Winter is almost over.  I'm ready to rejoin the land of the living.  I'm planning on an indoor swim session this morning and a short hike in the afternoon.  The highlight of my day will be having dinner with my wife when she returns home from work.  She kept our household together during my time of healing and managed to get me to all my doctor appointments.  I'm one of the lucky ones.  I have someone to share my life with in the good times and the bad.  I already know what she's going to say when we raise our wine glasses in a toast tonight, "we're celebrating life."  And my reply will be, "I'm celebrating my wife, the love of my life."  She shows me with her actions the real meaning of those vows we shared 28 years ago... "in sickness and in health."  Thank you, my lady.  I love you with all my heart.  Have a great day.

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