Thursday, September 5, 2019

Are Your Emotions Getting the Best of You?

How are you feeling today?  If you could pause your normal routine for a few moments, take a look at your emotions.  What are the top three?  On a one to ten scale, one representing anger and/or hate, and love representing a ten, what number would you assign to your top three.  Here's something interesting to consider:  no matter where you rank your emotions, they are probably running the show.  I have a strange feeling you are stuck.  And if your number is at a five or below for your top three emotions, you may be living in the past.

I'm doing my best to hit a ten on my top emotions.  The key is to turn off all the negative triggers in your life that keep you stuck.  Let go of anything causing you grief, like guilt, unforgiveness, hate, etc.  Failure to let go spells doom.  Living in the past means you have no hope for a future that is any different from the life you have now.

Would you like some hope today?  Why not take a trip somewhere where you can be with nature and let your mind wander a little bit.  Concentrate on the emotions that bring you joy.  Let go of the ones that bring you pain.  Your brain will thank you and reward you by giving you the best life you could ever imagine.  Have a great day.

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