Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Penalty Box

Nobody really wants to be in the penalty box.  Hockey players see it as a hindrance.  They want to be on the ice doing what they do best.  In marriage, the penalty box may be the doghouse or the couch.  In a way, we're all in the penalty box but don't really think about it because it seems normal.  We lost paradise and got sent out of the garden.

What are we supposed to do once we recognize that life is confined to a penalty box?  I believe that the first step is to see our world as one giant penalty box.  The only way out is Heaven.  There's no way we can ever earn our way out of the box.  I'm thankful that Jesus volunteered to surrender his life so we can all get free passes out of here some day when our number is finally called.  Until that time, the best thing we can do is be thankful there is a door out of here and into eternal life.  The clock is counting down.  I'm going to use my time in the penalty box to correct my errors, ask forgiveness for all the times I failed and make sure I express gratitude for the life I have.  How about you?  Where do you want to be with your life?  Have a great day.

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