Sunday, August 4, 2019

Caveman Choices Help Improve Your Health and Wellness

There's a reason I've cut back on many of the modern conveniences in my life.  Some of them are actually harmful.  The chair, for example, seems like a nice improvement.  Sit too much and you may find yourself overweight with added aches and pains in your back.  There's something else our caveman ancestors did that helped them with their health.  They walked.  It wasn't something reserved for the lunch hour.  Walking was a way of life.  They didn't need gym memberships either.  Everything they needed for a good workout was in their natural surroundings.

When I'm making my food choices, I ask myself, "Is this God made or man made?"  The caveman didn't need to do this because everything he ate was free of those labels you find in the grocery stores.  God made was the only choice.  The more God made food choices I make, the better I feel.

Try living like a caveman for 30 days and see what happens.  Have a great day.

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