Tuesday, March 18, 2014

@Socalmulligan Twitter Site Reaches 1,000 Followers on St. Patrick's Day

The greatest hope for a writer is that someone actually takes the time to read his or her work.  Yesterday, twenty people decided to follow me on Twitter – @socalmulligan.  Special thanks to Twistools, Amy Julius, LMG, Skip Prichard, David Quiram, Jason Majoue, Lolly Daskal, ebooks Grow On Trees, Tim Milburn, Vic Robbie, Michael Smith, Gary Hopkins, John Michael, Patrick J Russell, Speaking Volumes, E,  American Revival, Leland Rolling, Michael House, and Sean Wilcock for helping me yesterday.  If I missed your name, I apologize.

Now what?  The next step is for readers to jump into the story.  I'm seeking characters for my book.  This story is interactive.  If you're in a hurry or just want to catch up, here's how you can participate:
  1.  Visit the Cyber-bistro and click on the free chapters link.  Read chapters 1, 2, 37 and 38.  Here's what happened in chapters 3-36...The main character, Thomas Morgan, sold all his possessions, including his home in California.  He and his family packed their bags and headed to Iowa.  His wife and son are convinced their are ghosts in their California home.  They don't know Thomas is seeing his own ghost in the Mirror.  Thomas meets his ghost for the first time in chapter 37.
  2. Come back every Friday for a fresh new chapter.
  3. When you get the urge to participate, email me and share something about your character.  Give me a description, a name, and how you want to interact.   I will take care of the rest.
  4. Keep reading.  Look for your character to appear in a future chapter.
  5. Invite your friends to join the fun.
Chapter 39 is already out of the oven and cooling down.  I will be serving it at the bistro on Friday, March 21 at 8:08 AM, Pacific Time.  Thanks for joining me on the journey.  It's really fun to share this story with you as it unfolds, one chapter at a time.  Have a great day.

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