Thursday, March 13, 2014

How To Know If You're an Influencer

Influencer - one who has the capacity or power to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others.

Are you an influencer?  Maybe you're shaking your head no as you read this.  Think again about what you do every day.  If you're a teacher, parent or coach, you are definitely an influencer.  And if your behavior or your actions persuade others to make changes in their lives, you are also in this category.

One of my greatest joys is inspiring others to enter the writing arena.  This is my purpose.  It's my calling.  And the One I follow is the greatest influencer of all time.  Here are some examples of His work:
  • He gave sight to the blind.
  • He made the lame walk.
  • He convinced others to follow Him.
  • He never failed to see the potential in every person He met.
There are specific tools to measure your level of influence in the world, such as number of Facebook friends or Twitter followers.  I'm super excited to approach 1,000 Twitter followers, however, it pales in comparison to the joy I have when I reach a reader who wants to learn more about the One I follow.  Jesus is the real deal.  He is the One who gives me the courage to keep writing, even on days when I'm not sure I'm making a difference.

Don't be afraid to use your gifts to help others.  Be thankful when someone says to you, "the reason I'm doing this is because you inspired me by your actions."  Yes, you are an influencer.  The big question is, "how are you going to use your gift?"  You don't need to answer here.  Just go out into the world and do it.

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