Monday, January 30, 2023

Writing in the Joy Zone

 It's challenging to pinpoint the exact time I entered the "Joy Zone."  It's much different from my early years when the joy was mostly limited to time with my cousins, especially when on the concrete tennis courts at SHS with the one who is two months and five days younger than me.  Another cousin I'm fond of finds a way to share his joy in his lyrics south of the border where he deported himself in search of a new life.

Here's an interesting thought.  Some of the best writing in the Bible comes from people who weren't exactly in a good place while they were writing.  Who in their right mind writes joyfully when locked up in a prison cell?  Maybe the explanation is out of this world.  All I can say is my wife shared this morning about how she put our new shredder to work yesterday while I was at my day job.  "All of the documents from our lawsuits are gone now," she said with a big smile on her face.  She went on to thank me for all my efforts keeping us one step ahead of the lawyers who were eager to fund their retirement from my alleged mishaps.  They were laser focused on making an example of anyone who dared stand up to them in court.  My wife shred the documents because she felt it was time to put our experience in the past.  Yes, the experience was pure hell.  The good news is we won.  I did something the big guys never expected.  I asked for proof.  The judge agreed.  The big guys were threatened with contempt of court if the documents weren't produced within ten days.  Only God knows where those documents were located.  Maybe they never existed.  I will share more about this in the book.  

I'm in my home office all day today and tomorrow working on "Live Long and Prosper."  Although some of the chapters occurred during the lowest points of my life, I can say from the bottom of my heart that I'm in the "Joy Zone" as I'm recalling painful experiences.  Even my laptop seems to be in harmony with my fingers.  When I typed, "Live Long and Prosper," an image of Spock's hand gesture magically appeared on my MacBook Pro.  Remember this?: 🖖 May you Live Long and Prosper and may you will be filled with joy even when you may carry memories of challenging experiences or you may be dealing with unpleasant circumstances in your life.  Have a great day.

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