Saturday, April 18, 2020

Life is Easier to Handle When You Expect Uncertainty

Franklin D. Roosevelt told the world the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  Perhaps fear is based on creating these images in our minds of the worst-case scenarios.  If all we can imagine is worst-case, we don't leave room for all other options.  In my opinion, I believe it's best to expect uncertainty.  That way, every morning when I wake up and something is out of the ordinary, I can say, "Sure, that's part of the uncertainty that's bound to occur and I can move on with my life, free of being frozen in fear."

Life is so much easier to handle when you expect uncertainty.  Waking up early every day gives me a cushion to welcome the uncertainty.  Give this idea a try and see if you can befriend uncertainty.  Have conversations with your family about uncertainty and come up with creative ideas to welcome uncertainty to every area of your life.  Uncertainty doesn't need to be your opponent.  Uncertainty can help you learn to adapt to the changes that are bound to happen in these strange times.  Have a great day.

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