Monday, July 22, 2019

Can You Be Happy During Funerals?

I finished reading "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin this morning.  The timing was perfect because we're on our way to a funeral for my wife's aunt this morning and funerals are usually places where happiness isn't found in abundance.  In my situation, I'm using the lessons learned about happiness to be as happy as I can be knowing it's my personal choice.  Before you read any more, you may want to make a note to order a copy of Gretchen's book.  I'm passing my copy along to my wife and she already told me she's eager to dive in.

Back to the question, "Can you be happy during funerals?"  What helps me is knowing how prepared Inez was for this moment.  She was given 97 years to figure things out and her perspective is much wiser than my own.  Inez did everything right.  She loved her nephews and nieces as if they were her own children.  She taught her students to dream big.  She always believed in a loving God who was watching over her.  Inez knew it was her time.  She didn't fuss.  She told her loved ones not to worry about flowers for the funeral because she believed the best time to get flowers was while she was alive.  Her home was always filled with flowers.  Family members were with her around the clock in the final days and she left this world happy.  I will follow her example today and all my days.  Yes, you can be happy during funerals, especially when the life you are celebrating was lived so well.  Inez set the bar high for the rest of us.  Until we meet again in eternity.  Have a great day.

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