Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What's Your Definition of a Miracle?

I asked this question at my day job yesterday while promoting a new location opening soon.  Two of my conversations were with church group employees and the question  about miracles seemed to be a good way to open the door.  In our work, first impressions are everything, especially when entering new markets.  Both people were surprised by the question because I'm a complete stranger and no one ever asked before.  Their answers revealed who they were and why they were volunteering their time.

I'm a big believer in miracles because they seem to be happening with greater frequency.  I listened to a podcast a couple of days ago featuring a best selling author and he shared a definition so powerful that I jotted it down in my calendar and again in a prominent place when I arrived at my day job.  Here it is:

Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort = Miracle

Our project leader, Casey, heading our team during the opening phase of our operation liked the idea so much that miracle is now part of our hashtag and we'll be seeing it every time we show up to work.  We do have unwavering faith we can put in the extraordinary effort necessary to set a new world record in our company.   Can we live up to the name, #1331MiracleWorkers?  I believe.  Our leader believes. The team believes.  It's time to get busy.  Have a great day.

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