Thursday, April 11, 2019

Away from the Shallows

Trusting God has its ups and downs.  This is all by design.  I'm not one to share much about the times when doors close because I'm an optimist and I already know how the story ends... God wins.  But what about those in between chapters when the antagonist has the upper hand and everything seems to be falling apart?

Seven years ago I let go of my old life.  It wasn't the end of my story.  There was this calling to move away from the shallows where everything was safe and predictable, like the seasons that never changed no matter the time of year. Most of the people in my circle of friends thought I was crazy.  It really didn't matter what they thought.  The inner circle prayed I would see the light.  Family prayers were answered when they persuaded me to change my vote and make the decision to move out of state a unanimous one.  Five lives are forever changed.  The other four in the inner circle choose to keep their stories private but every morning I explore the deep end and share my life with you.  There are exciting adventures on the horizon, like another special assignment for my day job in a new state I've never visited.  It's hard to explain but the video below by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga strikes a chord with me.  Maybe it's because I understand the ups and downs.  Perhaps it's because I'm thankful to be away from the shallows with my wife.  Take a look and see if you can relate.  Have a great day.

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