Sunday, February 17, 2019

Positive Things

Some of the most positive people I know are the people who are dealing with some intense challenges.  I'm attracted to them not because of their challenges but because of the way they see the positive in their situations.  One in particular received news late last year she was stricken with stage IV breast cancer.  I remember her saying she felt God was trying to get her attention when she and her family found themselves at the epicenter of an earthquake that destroyed buildings and streets all around them.  That was before the cancer diagnosis.  She's right about God wanting to get our attention.  The truth is God is always trying to get our attention.  We seem to pay more attention when things aren't going the way we planned.  That's why I do my best to look for the positive things in life.  They are there in the good times and the bad times.  If you can find them when you're facing your greatest challenges, you   will have a life of peace and happiness.  Seek positive things.  Be positive.  Have a great day.

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