Friday, February 8, 2019

Mother Nature Pushed My Hot Button Yesterday

I parked my car at the end of our driveway as close as possible to the street to make it easier to leave in the morning in case of heavy snow.  I didn't think about how long the walk would be to reach my Ford Escape.  A layer of freezing rain dropped overnight in time to turn the driveway into an outdoor skating rink.  The Tim Conway old man shuffle was my only safe approach to getting to my vehicle and that was just the beginning of an interesting morning.  Imagine yourself sliding around your vehicle with a chisel trying to chip off a thick layer of frozen rain on every window.  You have ten minutes to do the job before frostbite sets in.  There was a time during this adventure that I really thought I was doing a comedy skit.  Shuffle.  Slide.  Chisel.  Shuffle.  Give the middle finger to Mother Nature who is watching from the fast moving clouds above.  Shuffle.  Slide.  Chisel.  Call your day job and throw in the towel.  Sit inside your vehicle thinking about how Mother Nature snatched victory.  Get back outside to finish what you started and finally see progress.  Call your day job and tell them you're on your way.  Stop several times along the way to scrape more frozen ice off the windshield so you can see properly.  Arrive at your day job and repeat the Tim Conway shuffle all the way to the employee entrance at the back door.  Yep.  Mother Nature pushed my hot button yesterday.  Today is a new day.  Mother Nature probably has a few more tricks up her sleeve but I'm ready.  Have a great day.

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