Thursday, February 28, 2019

Why You Should Never Give Up

Goal achievement isn't only about crossing the finish line.  It's about what you become by staying the course.  The hardest part isn't cutting through the ribbon, it's about not giving up along the way.  Your friends and family may be there to cheer you on during your final mile but your race is won in those moments of solitude when your mind plays tricks on you.  Temptation to give up creeps in.

It's been seven years since I crossed the finish line and settled in my new home state.  The journey to get here was almost impossible.  The obstacles seemed insurmountable.  My faith was tested.  Then I realized I wasn't at the end of the race.  In fact, the race will never be over.  Every day is a new beginning.  Every day there is a new challenge. You should never give up because each race is about how you can improve how you look at all the opportunity around you.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Sacrifice Now or Sacrifice Later

Sacrifice has different meanings for different people.  Some treat it as a four letter word.  Others view it as a down payment on an extraordinary life.  I see it as the veggies in my daily meal.  I happen to enjoy eating my veggies.  Why?  Maybe it's because my taste buds changed when I stopped eating all the wrong foods.  Perhaps it's because I liked how my body responded favorably when veggies became my main food source.   What it comes down to is I know daily sacrifice is vital to living the dream life.

Some people may think I'm crazy for setting goals so far into the future.  I'm doing everything I can today to help my body go the distance to age 100 and beyond.  I'm following an exercise regimen to keep my body fit enough to play tennis and compete in the oldest age group available for my preferred sport – the men's 90's national doubles tennis championships.  For me, skipping the daily sacrifices now means sacrificing my long-term dreams.  Sadly, many of my opponents won't be around in the year 2050 to compete because they didn't make the necessary sacrifices to get there.  Sacrifice doesn't have to be a dirty word.  Make it part of your vocabulary.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Can You See Past Your Obstacles?

I feel like these last couple of months have been a chess match and Mother Nature has some pretty good players on her side of the game board.  The other day I saw a video featuring chunks of ice being pushed onto the roadway from an ice tsunami.  It's like Mother Nature has a fortress of players that are impenetrable.  They have special names on their jerseys – Polar Vortex, Snowmaggedon, Snowpocalypse, and Snowdrift.  My side of the board is almost wiped out.  Most of the pawns are sidelined on the icy roadways, victims of her onslaught.  My king is hidden in a corner of the board under two feet of snow where he will remain until we mount our counter-attack.  I know what the goal is – advance one of my surviving pawns to enemy territory and resurrect my queen.  The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles.

If you're feeling outnumbered today, don't give up.  Don't be intimidated by walls or anything else standing in your way.  Stay in the game.  Your goals are worth it.  Have a great day.

Monday, February 25, 2019

It's Time to Soar Today

Think about your top ten experiences.  What were you doing?  Who were you with?  Did these experiences change you?  There was a time in my life when my opinion of marriage was tarnished.  I wrongly suspected there was some genetic reason I would fail should I fall in love.  One day an angel appeared to me and swooped my off my feet.  I imagined soaring like an eagle with her at my side.  We flew to Maui and I proposed to her on a remote beach.  She said yes.  That was the day I decided I would only look up with my eyes turned skyward.  There has been this longing inside me to return to the beach where she said yes and celebrate our 30 years of marriage.  We're both ready to soar again.  How about you?  Is this a good time for you to soar?  Have a great day.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Do What You Love

I found the key to success.  There was a time in my life when I wasn't sure if I'd ever find it.  It's been with me all along.  Everyone has their own definition of what success is.  I like Herman Cain's quote and he's on to something.  He has the key.  So do I.  And if you love what you're doing, you will be successful because you will be happy doing what you're doing.  Choose the happiness key and you get success as your prize.  Have a great day.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Flashlight

The space outside the range of our own flashlights is unlimited.  It represents all knowledge in the universe.  The older I get, the more I realize just how vast that space is in the darkness.  Education is what powers our flashlights.  It gives us the opportunity to increase battery capacity so we can explore the unknown regions.

I'm really enjoying my journey.  There are some people around me with powerful flashlights and they've been willing to share their knowledge with me.  There's so much to explore.  So much to learn.  In my opinion, the best use of education is to share it with others who no longer wish to live in the darkness.  I have a long way to go.  There is some serious ground to cover.  Turn on your flashlight and learn something new today.  Have a great day.

Friday, February 22, 2019


Some of us are in marathons but we only trained our bodies for sprint courses.  So, what happens when we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory?  I like Leo Tolstoy's quote above.  A marathon is really a series of smaller races.  I know I can go the distance if I allow my body to rest and recover after a challenging day.

My debt reduction journey feels more daunting than a 1,000 mile walk.  I'm only in the second month and my legs are telling me they feel like they've already run a marathon.  The good news is I'm still on the course.  The bad news is I got my first bogey, meaning I didn't hit my February goal.  I knew there would be some bogeys along the way and I really hoped all our budget cuts would keep us on par but the unexpected happened.  I didn't cover my 25 miles a day but I did log some really good miles during these first two months.  I'm tracking how much I missed the goal so I can cover it over the next 34 months of my race to financial freedom.

The battle between my mind and my body resembles War and Peace.  The body is fighting every step of the way while it complains about how the mind is playing games.  I knew pretending to play 36 holes of golf over three years would be a hard sell but it's the best way I know to keep going.  There are 25 miles to cover today.  Another 25 miles tomorrow.  C'mon body, you can do this.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Avoid the Waiting Game

What are you waiting for?  Why are you waiting?  There's no better day than today to get started.  The longer you wait, the more time your excuses have to get in your way.  Seize the day.  Procrastination is the thief of time.  Procrastination leads to regrets.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Mike, Mike, Mike, What day is it?

Sorry.  I couldn't resist this photo today.  The only thing not buried in all the snow, sleet and ice we're experiencing right now is my sense of humor.  Yes, it's hump day.  It's also another heavy snow day.  Maybe Mother Nature doesn't like my snow devil story from yesterday and she's retaliating.  That's okay.  I'm putting on my big boy snow boots and heading off to my day job before another round of indoor tennis this evening.  There are three more hump days to go until the wheels are up and we get out of town in search of sunshine.  Sorry, Mr. Camel, all the seats are sold out.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Taunted by the Snow Devil

Mother Nature's minion drifted into my backyard during a recent storm.  I'm calling him a snow devil because he fits the description of an ideal opponent.  These types lurk in the shadows and go out of their way to disrupt lives.  The attacks are relentless.  Snow devils are rarely seen because they prefer anonymity.  I got lucky when I captured this picture yesterday at sunrise.

Mother Nature really seems to be enjoying herself right now.  The more I write about her, the more feisty she gets.  My family thought she was going to taking it easy on us this season when she withheld a white Christmas but it was a dirty trick.  Our weather forecasters are having a field day today reporting "a light glazing of ice is possible."  Beautiful.  My snow devil gets some frosting later tonight after he grows in size by another 8 inches.

Despite all the taunting, my snow devil is powerless over me and my family.  His days are numbered.  We will not be spooked.  Let's see who's still around next month when the calendar flips to a new season.  This backyard snow devil will soon be a memory.  Have a great day.

Monday, February 18, 2019


Well, I used my writing time this morning to shovel another six inches of snow from my driveway.  There's another storm coming that will be even bigger.  Yep.  8 to 12 more inches of snow tomorrow.  See you tomorrow.  Have a great day.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Positive Things

Some of the most positive people I know are the people who are dealing with some intense challenges.  I'm attracted to them not because of their challenges but because of the way they see the positive in their situations.  One in particular received news late last year she was stricken with stage IV breast cancer.  I remember her saying she felt God was trying to get her attention when she and her family found themselves at the epicenter of an earthquake that destroyed buildings and streets all around them.  That was before the cancer diagnosis.  She's right about God wanting to get our attention.  The truth is God is always trying to get our attention.  We seem to pay more attention when things aren't going the way we planned.  That's why I do my best to look for the positive things in life.  They are there in the good times and the bad times.  If you can find them when you're facing your greatest challenges, you   will have a life of peace and happiness.  Seek positive things.  Be positive.  Have a great day.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Are You Ready to Leave Your Comfort Zone?

Your comfort zone is that safe place where you rarely make mistakes.  People like this familiar place because they know what to expect.  They ignore their dreams because it means letting go of the comfort zone.  Pursuing dreams requires hard work and daily effort.  The air is thin.  Mistakes are common.  Other people have trouble understanding why you're willing to risk so much for the opportunity to achieve a dream most people consider out of reach.

I really love a good challenge.  For me, comfort zones are too crowded.  I prefer the unknown places where opportunity is waiting for those willing to climb higher.  Commit to your dreams.  Let go of the comfort zone.  Embrace what's waiting for you beyond the horizon.  Have a great day.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Levels of Gratitude

It's pretty much impossible to be unhappy when you're filled with gratitude.  The more thankful you are, the happier you are.  If you were to measure your level of gratitude right now, where would you be on the scale?  Keep in mind that what's going on around you really has no bearing on your gratitude levels.  What's important is how you handle challenging circumstances or conditions.

One year ago I had one of my most challenging days of my life.  It was also a day I was perhaps the most grateful.  I was grateful the ambulance was so quick to respond.  I was grateful our daughter was uninjured.  I was thankful to have a special moment with Mother Nature when the emergency parking was over capacity and we parked on a side street away from the hospital.  Large flakes of powder were gently dropping on my exposed chest while the paramedics transported me through the snow covered sidewalk.  That moment was one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.  There was this muffled silence all around me from the layers of snow on the streets and the lack of people or cars which made the moment even more intense.  I was thankful I remained conscious so that I could savor the scenery and observe my caregivers in action.  Yes, gratitude changes everything.  I really appreciate having readers from all parts of the world who take the time to connect here.  Find something or someone to be thankful for.  Have a great day.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

Here's a backyard photo I captured a couple of days ago after shoveling snow in our driveway.  We wanted to begin our Valentine's Day celebration early.  This year is extra special for me because I'm recalling everything my wife did for me to help me get back on my feet again after my auto accident one year ago in February.  Last Valentine's Day I could barely move with seven broken ribs.  My wife would reach out, grasp my crossed arms, then slowly pull me until I was upright.  The ritual always ended in a kiss.  That's what love is – caring for your loved ones when they can't care for themselves.  It's letting go of everything and relocating to unfamiliar territory so you can find a cure for homesickness even if it means learning how to navigate on icy roads or spending countless hours shoveling snow.  I see beauty in moments like the day the sun finally came out long enough to savor a glass of wine with my Valentine.  Yes, I'm counting my blessings today.  It's the simple things that really matter.  My hope for you today is that you take the time to put aside all the distractions and enjoy quality time with your loved ones.  Happy Valentine's Day.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Snow On, Snow Off

It's been snowing almost non-stop for days.  I feel like the karate kid guy who was told, "wax on, wax off," but the difference is I'm doing the "snow on, snow off," in my driveway with my snow shovel.  Today is a good day for the snow to be off because I'm headed back to my day job and then the indoor tennis courts later tonight.  The natives are getting restless with all these snow days.

I'm counting my blessings today.  One year ago at this time I was flat on my back recovering from a serious auto accident.  I would have gladly traded those days for any day shoveling snow in my driveway.  The sun is finally coming out and today is going to be fun.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Paint Your Picture of Success

If you can see it in your mind, you can paint it.  And if you can paint it, you can look at it every day to remind yourself of the goal you're pursuing.  Success needs to be more than vague shadows you can't see clearly.  You need direction.  Make your painting vivid.  Fill it with brilliant colors.  This is your life as it can be if you're willing to do what it takes to turn your painting into your reality.

I'm looking out my windows right now and all I can see for miles and miles is this blanket of white snow.  These winter storms have been relentless.  The snow is my blank canvas and I'm visualizing everything I want to paint on this empty canvas so when the snow melts I have a positive direction to pursue.  What are you doing with your blank canvas?  Today is the best day to get started.  Have a great day.

Monday, February 11, 2019

10 Power Words to Maximize Your Life

Master these ten power words, commit them to your daily vocabulary and maximize your life.  You deserve to live in abundance.  The choice is up to you.  Here goes:

  1. Consistency.  Champions win daily with consistent habits.  The early morning rituals are the most important because they set the tone for the rest of the day.  Make your first ten minutes count with steady practices that set you apart from the people who are only willing to win part-time.  
  2. Dependability.  Be the person others count on when they need help.  Your family is your inner circle.  Make sure they know you will always be there for them no matter what.  Do the same with your friends, co-workers and others you come into contact with.
  3. Honesty.  Do the right thing every day, every time.  
  4. Wisdom.  Learn from your mistakes.  Challenge yourself to be smarter today than you were yesterday.  
  5. Forgiveness.  Practice this daily.  That grudge you're holding is costing you happiness.  
  6. Happiness.  Be happy in all circumstances.  This includes snow days, blizzards, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, sick days, and any other days that may try to get the best of your attitude.
  7. Rest.  Rest before you get tired.  Take a 15 minute break every two hours.  Sleep 8 hours.
  8. Relaxation.  Let go of any stress you're feeling.  Close your eyes when you are feeling uptight and imagine yourself in your favorite happy place.
  9. Reward.  Treat yourself to something fun.  Reward yourself for sticking to a plan or finding a better way to manage your tasks.
  10. Exercise.  Walk.  Choose the stairs instead of the elevator.  Do something physical for 30 minutes every day.
These ten words are a part of my daily life.  They don't mean anything unless you practice them.  Daily use will make you a better friend, co-worker, parent, child, spouse, leader, etc.  Have a great day.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Why I Eat Like a Caveman

It started as an experiment.  It's now a way of life.  My cholesterol, triglyceride and blood pressure numbers were my antagonists in a scary novel that threatened to terminate my life unless I found a way to make dramatic changes. My loved ones wanted me to visit the emergency room when my blood pressure reached all-time highs while on vacation several years ago.  That hospital visit would have put on me on a path of lifetime medicines and drugs.  The real problem turned out to be inflammation due to eating foods my body didn't want.  The 45 day experiment was simple – eliminate everything processed, give up dairy, bread and any foods with a label.  I ate fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and seeds along with up to two glasses of wine a day for 45 days to see if my numbers would change.  The proof of success was in the numbers and the gleam in my wife's eye when she saw my body fat disappear at about a pound a day, mostly around my stomach and under my double chin.  

I visited my dentist recently and the staff commented on how easy is it to clean my teeth.  There is virtually zero plaque.  This is something they notice with certain patients who refrain from dairy.  My dentist told me her two young boys needed to cut weight in order to reach a desired weight class for an upcoming wrestling tournament and they did it by refraining from the same foods I no longer eat.

The lesson I learned from the experiment is my body cannot tolerate many modern day foods.  As long as I eat like a caveman, my cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure are all in the normal range.  I now eat fish, chicken and small amounts of red meat but I avoid dairy, gluten and processed foods.  I also do my best to mostly eat home-cooked meals.  Living like a caveman may not be for everyone but it works for me and I recommend it if you think your body may be fighting food related battles.  Make sure you do this through your physician in case this experiment causes your body to change suddenly.  Be wary if your doctor wants to treat your symptoms with medicine without being willing to discern if the wrong foods are the source of your problems.  Have a great day.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Day 40 – Debt Reduction Game Update

Your attitude determines how far you will go when you set new goals.  I'm now at day 40 in my debt reduction game and I know one thing for sure – I'm all in.  There's no turning back to my old habits.  Is it easy?  I must admit the temptations to cheat or bend the rules are great.  This is a daily battle and the game will be won or lost based on small choices.

I decided to split my paychecks into two separate direct deposits that now go to two different banks.  My goal amount is now diverted to an account where my mortgage is serviced and this makes it easier to pretend that goal money doesn't exist when I'm paying bills.  Daily spending is tracked on my credit card and the amount is paid in full before the due date to avoid interest.  My wife and I promised each other we would cut the card up if we ever pay interest so the penalty for mismanagement is high.  So far so good.  There have been 3 paychecks out of 77 in our three year mortgage reduction game and we made par (payment above required) on all three holes.  We are facing a giant sand trap on hole number four and we will have to make some adjustments to stay on par.  The way the game is designed, we're measuring our performance and keeping a running tally of our progress.  Anything less than par is called a bogey.  Should we come up short, we know we will need some birdies or eagles in the later rounds to get back on par.  The final hole is on day 1,095 and today is only day 40.  If I keep telling myself debt reduction is a game, perhaps I can survive all the challenges ahead.  Have a great day.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Mother Nature Pushed My Hot Button Yesterday

I parked my car at the end of our driveway as close as possible to the street to make it easier to leave in the morning in case of heavy snow.  I didn't think about how long the walk would be to reach my Ford Escape.  A layer of freezing rain dropped overnight in time to turn the driveway into an outdoor skating rink.  The Tim Conway old man shuffle was my only safe approach to getting to my vehicle and that was just the beginning of an interesting morning.  Imagine yourself sliding around your vehicle with a chisel trying to chip off a thick layer of frozen rain on every window.  You have ten minutes to do the job before frostbite sets in.  There was a time during this adventure that I really thought I was doing a comedy skit.  Shuffle.  Slide.  Chisel.  Shuffle.  Give the middle finger to Mother Nature who is watching from the fast moving clouds above.  Shuffle.  Slide.  Chisel.  Call your day job and throw in the towel.  Sit inside your vehicle thinking about how Mother Nature snatched victory.  Get back outside to finish what you started and finally see progress.  Call your day job and tell them you're on your way.  Stop several times along the way to scrape more frozen ice off the windshield so you can see properly.  Arrive at your day job and repeat the Tim Conway shuffle all the way to the employee entrance at the back door.  Yep.  Mother Nature pushed my hot button yesterday.  Today is a new day.  Mother Nature probably has a few more tricks up her sleeve but I'm ready.  Have a great day.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Way We Love

Do you feel loved?  If not, it may be because your loved ones don't understand or speak your love language.  And if they aren't feeling loved, you may need to develop your love language skills.

One way to work on this is to experiment.  Try speaking a different love language every day for the next ten days and observe carefully how your loved ones respond when you show some love.

Day 1 – Words of affirmation.   You can write a love note about how special they are or say something from your heart.

Day 2 – Acts of Service.  Go out of your way to do something from your heart that shows your love by the actions you perform.

Day 3 – Physical Touch.  Today is all about the body.  Give a massage.  Hold hands.  Snuggle.  Pay attention to the reaction.

Day 4 – Quality Time.  Block out a day to spend with your significant other.  Be present.  Eliminate all distractions.

Day 5 –  Gift giving.  Show your love by putting thought into the gift and give something from your heart.

Day 6 through 10 –  Zero in on the one gift your loved one appreciated most and give something from this category  every day for the next five days.  If you got it right, you're on your way to the best relationships you've ever had with all the people you love.

Love is a two-way street.  Start by giving.  Show your love in the language your loved ones prefer and then make sure you share what love language is your favorite.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Heat is On

My wife woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me she was cold and asked me to check our furnace.  My first thought when I saw the dip to the low fifties on the thermostat was, why did I get so cheap and buy the smallest space heater on the market?

An ice storm was moving in yesterday at noon and I needed to act quickly in order to restore our heat.  Our local expert had good news and bad news when he visited.  The good news was he found the problem.  The bad news was he had no idea when he could get the part delivered that we needed.  I volunteered to drive wherever he needed me to go and he jokingly started naming the surrounding states.  I headed off to Iowa City, picked up the part, and got home before the ice storm hit.  An hour later the heat was on.  That small space heater kept us warm while our repair man worked his magic.  Life is good.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Celebrating One Year Anniversary Today

Today is my one year anniversary.  On this day, February 5, 2018, I lost control of my Honda on an icy highway during a heavy snow storm, crossed the yellow line and took a direct hit to my driver's door on the wrong side of the road.  My daughter grabbed my hand after we stopped and pleaded with me to tell her I was okay but I couldn't speak nor could I breathe.  As the oncoming van approached I pretty much knew my life was coming to a conclusion.  Despite my seven broken ribs, lots of strange gurgling noises from inside my body and a spleen injury, I was shocked I was still conscious when my vehicle pinged backwards in a counter-clockwise motion through traffic landing in a pile of snow on the edge of the highway.  Four minutes later the EMT's ripped me out of the car from the passenger side and transported me to the hospital.

I was recounting the story with Nancy at the dentist office while she was cleaning my teeth yesterday.   I didn't get the opportunity to see her when my day job hours changed six months ago and I needed to reschedule my appointment.  While I was laying back in my dentist chair looking up at the square tiles on the ceiling, my mind drifted to that night in my hospital room.  They moved me out of the trauma center into a recovery room located on the top floor.  The neck brace meant I could only look up at one tile directly over my head.  I asked my family to please stay home due to the extreme weather conditions.  Other than the hourly visits from the nurses, the only sound I recall was from the helicopter landing on the roof top in the middle of the night.  The entire time I was in the hospital I was praying for healing.  Many other friends and family members were doing the same thing.

When my family came to visit the following morning, my wife was surprised they were already asking me to get up and walk.  She looked at me in disbelief when they told us they were considering discharging me later in the day and sending me home.  The hospital scans were showing positive signs my spleen was healing and surgery was not necessary.  I went home 24 hours after the accident.  At 4:58 pm on February 6, I posted my daily blog message from home.  My sister offered to fill in for me while I was in recovery but I was able to keep writing even though I was groggy from the pain medicine.

I often ask myself why God spared me.  It wasn't to make me a believer because I'm already part of God's team.  It was to make believers out of all the doubters in the world I cross paths with.  Besides being a husband and father to three adult children, my true purpose on this planet is to publish daily stories about all the good Jesus is doing in my life so that others may come to know the one I follow and believe.  I've been called to serve on the "special forces" unit and Jesus has been shaping me for this role all my life.  The accident was part of my training.  This blog is the place where my talent for writing is honed.  Later this year I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary of blog writing.  I'm also celebrating our 30 year wedding anniversary this year.

I don't know when my story will end but I'm 100% certain I know where it will end.  It's a special place Jesus is preparing and he promises there are plenty of rooms for all my friends.  Follow Jesus and I promise you your life will never be the same.  He can turn water into wine.  I'm having two glasses with my wife tonight to celebrate the one year anniversary of the accident and our upcoming 30 years wedding anniversary this summer.  White wine is her favorite and it won't stain my teeth.  Thank you for reading my daily stories and for sharing them with your friends.  Special thanks to all the prayer warriors who prayed for my recovery.  Have a great day.

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Balancing Act

I know my life is out of balance when I do my laundry and there aren't enough tennis clothes in the pile.  The challenge is to find a way to schedule the fun while working enough to pay the bills.  Sadly, I meet people on a daily basis who tell me they don't have time for vacations.  The truth is we all do what's important to us.  These are our priorities.  Imagine yourself on the last day of your life and you're looking at how you spent your time.  Do you  think you might regret working so hard on your career while neglecting all those opportunities you had for more fun in your life?  It's not too late to re-evaluate how you're spending your time and refine your balancing act.

While you're juggling,  ask yourself why you're not allocating more time for your family.  Is it because of the money?  If you look closely at your spending habits, you may find lack of money really isn't the problem – it's lack of discipline on how you spend.  I'm finding there is so much less to juggle when I let go of the balls that are unnecessary in the family budget.  And this week when I do laundry I'm going to be really happy seeing all those tennis clothes in my load.  Keep practicing with your balancing act and don't stop until you get it right.  Have a great day.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

95º Temperature Swing in 3 Days

The folks in our state tell us if we don't like the weather, wait fifteen minutes.  Well, it's hard to believe the temperature could change by almost 100º in three days but it's happening right now before my eyes.  I'm on my way to the Quad Cities early this morning for my second tennis match in two days and it feels good to be playing in a heat wave.  I'll be on the courts before this story posts.  Have a great day.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Why Attitude Matters

Your perception of what's going on around you matters more than what's actually happening.  Some people see the worst in every situation while others see learning opportunities, chances to improve performance or even enhance their lives.  Those who see the worst give up too soon or don't even bother to try.

Our recent polar vortex episode is an example of why attitude matters.  Those who believed this was going to be the worst weather event ever were right about their perceptions.  And those who decided they were going to make the best of the situation were also right.  My loved ones believe I have every reason to lock myself up in conditions like these.  After all, it was one year ago that I nearly lost my life in a close call with an oncoming vehicle traveling at 50 mph when I slid over the line on an icy snow covered highway.  Locking myself up is no way to live my life to the fullest.  That's why I boiled water and opened the sliding door long enough to take a video of what happens when you throw the boiling water into the air with a -40º wind chill.  Here's the video...

The temps hit a new record of -46º degrees with the wind chill the next day in my hometown.  I used my time to figure out how to bypass my frozen drain pipe connected to my washing machine and got the job done for under $10 without having to call a plumber.  I made sure to start my Ford Escape enough times to keep the battery alive and it never failed.  Some who look at my video may believe they could never live in conditions like these.  They're right.  I'm learning that Mother Nature isn't capable of defeating me and she's probably at her limits in her abilities to challenge me.  She may appear to be an unstoppable force but I believe my attitude is an immovable object.  Yes, attitude matters.  Have a great day.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Goal Achievement is Mental

How are you doing on your first mile marker of the new year?  What changes do you need to make to reach the next mile marker in 28 days?  Are you in this for the long haul?  If you're struggling, take a look at the mental part of your goals.  Are your distractions coming from within your own brain?  It's not too late to make some changes in order to achieve your goals.

I'm discovering just how important it is be focused every day.  One wrong turn can get me so far of course that I become lost and my goals become impossible.  I need daily measurement tools to make sure I'm going in the right direction.  It's not only the monthly mile markers, it's the daily markers that measure progress to the one tenth of a mile.  This gives my brain something to focus on while avoiding all the distractions along the way.  I also like to ask my brain to paint a picture of what's waiting at the finish line.  If my brain has a sweet tooth and I convince it there's a bucket of honey waiting at the finish line, it's more prone to push the rest of my body in the right direction.

Congratulate yourself for staying in the race.  Take it one day at a time keep your head in the game.  Have a great day.