Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Best Way to Fail

Do you ever fear failure?  It comes down to how much you fear blowing it in front of others.  That's why few are willing to go big and take risks.  Failing stinks.  Your own mind can be your worst enemy.  The easy way out is to join the crowd and watch others fail why you're "safe" on the sidelines.  Maybe they'll win, maybe they won't but you don't have to worry about being in the spot light.  I believe there's a better way – change your perception of failure.

Failure is not something you avoid unless you really want to spend the rest of your life on the bench watching others.  Consider failure as an intermediate step in your journey to success.  Failure is part of the experiment and every day is your opportunity to try new things until you find what works for you.  You are unique.  What works for others may not work for you.

I discovered the best way to fail and it's simple – keep trying.  That's it.  Keep trying.  The ultimate fail in life is giving up.  We are coming up on the half way point of the year.  It's a great time to get off the bench if you find yourself sitting there.  Keep trying.  Keep experimenting.  Ignore those people in the stands cheering when you fall.  They secretly wish they were brave enough to overcome their own fears of failure.  Show them the best way to fail and keep trying until you get it right.  Have a great day.

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