Saturday, June 30, 2018

With God All Things are Possible

Jesus looked at his followers and said, "with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~ Matthew 19:29.  Consider what is going on in your life right now.  If you are having trouble finding solutions to all the struggles you're facing, give God a try.  Jesus is offering you a way out.  I believe this statement to be true.  I'm thankful for all the times Jesus has been there for me and my loved ones.  Have a great day.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Time to Break Through

Your daily effort is adding up.  Those barriers around you can be overcome.  It's difficult to know how close you are until you finally break through.  That's why you need to keep moving forward.  Walking away from the challenge means the barrier is stronger than you are.  Chipping away leads to victory.  The greatest challenges require the most effort.  Stay in the fight.  Have a great day.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Your Life is a Reflection of Your Attitude

You don't need to be a mind reader to know if someone has a good attitude.  And the people around you also have a  pretty good idea about your attitude.  Thankful people seem to have a glow while negative people can be seen walking around under a dark cloud.  They need rainbows but they don't know how to escape from under the dark cloud.  Perhaps they don't understand how they can change their own weather.

Based on my own experience with storm clouds, I believe we will all experience difficult situations.  A good attitude can help make the sun appear sooner rather than later.  My hope is that others can see a rainbow when they observe how I manage in challenging times.  That is also my hope for you.  If you don't like your life, first change your attitude.  Always remember, your life is a reflection of your attitude.  Bring on the rainbow.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Best Way to Fail

Do you ever fear failure?  It comes down to how much you fear blowing it in front of others.  That's why few are willing to go big and take risks.  Failing stinks.  Your own mind can be your worst enemy.  The easy way out is to join the crowd and watch others fail why you're "safe" on the sidelines.  Maybe they'll win, maybe they won't but you don't have to worry about being in the spot light.  I believe there's a better way – change your perception of failure.

Failure is not something you avoid unless you really want to spend the rest of your life on the bench watching others.  Consider failure as an intermediate step in your journey to success.  Failure is part of the experiment and every day is your opportunity to try new things until you find what works for you.  You are unique.  What works for others may not work for you.

I discovered the best way to fail and it's simple – keep trying.  That's it.  Keep trying.  The ultimate fail in life is giving up.  We are coming up on the half way point of the year.  It's a great time to get off the bench if you find yourself sitting there.  Keep trying.  Keep experimenting.  Ignore those people in the stands cheering when you fall.  They secretly wish they were brave enough to overcome their own fears of failure.  Show them the best way to fail and keep trying until you get it right.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Be Excellent

Those who believe excellence is an accident will look at your success and say you're lucky.  They wish they had a little luck in their lives but they're missing the ingredients necessary to get the job done.  I understand high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.  They're all part of the recipe I follow every morning when I wake up.  The real challenge appears when the obstacles show up.  Expect them.  They usually arrive at the worst possible moments.  For example, the power went out two minutes ago as I was typing this story.  You will find it on time at 8:08 AM, Pacific Time and you won't even notice the challenge I had delivering it to you.  My mind is already considering the options.  Time is of the essence because I don't want to be late at my day job.  I don't see obstacles – only opportunities.  What do you see?  Choose to be excellent.  Have a great day.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Thought for the Day

Count your blessings today.  Each encounter you have is an opportunity to learn something new.  Make every moment count.  The longer I live the more I realize how today's thought for the day is spot on – the secret to having it all is knowing you already do.  Have a great day.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Field of Tennis Dreams Deferred

Our tennis season is officially over.  I watched the dream end from the sidelines yesterday.  Congratulations to the state champions from Des Moines who won it all in a thriller.  The difference was in the three super tie breakers.  We came up short in two out of three, the final decided 10-8.  Final team score 3-2.

Practice resumes Wednesday night.  The season may be over but we're not finished pursuing our dreams.  The truth is my tennis dreams will never die until I do and I'm doing everything in my power to extend my seasons as long as humanly possible.  I prefer to be on the courts over the bench.  That means I have to raise my game.  I salute my teammates.  They're fun to be around and they're dedicated to being the best they can be.  This is only one chapter.  There are many unwritten pages to be filled.  Have a great day.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Big Day on the Courts Today

Our team is headed to Waterloo for our state championship match at 12:30 pm today.  There's a break in the weather and we're between storms.  My role today is to help my teammates with warmups and be available in case of injury.  This is the strongest lineup we've ever had.  I'm feeling great but I missed eight weeks of practice during my recovery from a serious auto accident and there are stronger players ready to get us a win today.  The depth we have will be an asset in the next regional competition should we prevail today.  I look forward to helping our team reach our goals of going to the national championships.  I'll share more tomorrow.  Have a great day.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Fight On

If it hasn't happened yet, don't fret.  Becoming the person you're born to become takes a lifetime of trial and error.  When that day comes and it just clicks, you will see the world as you've never seen it before.  The light bulb goes off.  The vague outline becomes a detailed work of art.  Your place in the world becomes significant.

Praise the day when your seedling breaks through the surface and you see the sun for the first time.  Be thankful for all the fertilizer consumed in order to make your opportunities possible.  Let your life be an inspiration to others.  Fight on.  Have a great day.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Got Grace?

Today is the longest day of the year.  For some, that may be too much to handle.  I prefer to sprinkle some grace on all my actions today.  It somehow enhances the flavor of everything on my too do list.  This first day of summer is an opportunity to take advantage of the early sunrise and the late sunset.  Sure, there will be encounters that will be challenging.  There will be people who push me to my limits.  They could probably use a little kindness, compassion, mercy and favor today.  I'm going to remember how Jesus handles tough situations – by serving others.  Give grace a try today.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Be Happy in all Circumstances

Looking in the mirror is a great place to start before criticizing others for their shortcomings.  I did that this morning before dealing with a gentleman who represents a company I'm doing business with.  The whole arrangement started out fine, like dating.  I liked the way things were going so I decided to sign up for the "marriage."  Before the honeymoon was over, things fell apart fast.  I wasn't sure if things could be resolved.  Then, I looked in the mirror and remembered all the times I goofed up.  This helped me keep my calm and it was easier to accept the apology when this gentleman explained what happened.

The bottom line here is that it's important to be happy in all circumstances, including those times when relationships are failing.  Forgive quickly.  Communicate.  Be happy.  Life is too short to be angry or unforgiving.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What Does the Best Version of Yourself Look Like?

Today's message is meant for self reflection.  Be careful not to let your ego get in the way of your answer to the question posed, "What does the best version of yourself look like?"  I know I'm guilty of this.  I want the best version of myself to be bigger than life but that's not what my Creator wants of me.  He prefers others see a reflection of Himself when they look in my direction.  Often I get in the way and the picture is distorted.  The best way for me to get a sense of what I need for improvement is to ask my wife.  She may be speaking in a female voice but often times I hear Jesus when she speaks.

Jesus reminds us that to be our best we must be willing to serve others.  The greatest among us is the one willing to put himself or herself last.  I'm going to do my best to focus on serving others today.  When I wake up tomorrow I'm going to repeat this until the best version of myself appears at home, work and in my community.  There's a lot of improving to do and this job may never end.  That's okay.  If you can see Jesus when you look my way then I will be thankful I listened to my wife and heeded her advice.  Have a great day.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Helpful Tips for Handling Verbal Abuse

One of my day job peers was verbally challenged by someone who appeared to be having a bad day recently.  Those situations can be diffused as long as you're able to keep your cool.  I shared what I do when I'm the recipient of verbal abuse.  Here goes:

  • Recognize the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within you and ask for guidance.  It's possible that the attacker may be under the influence of a dark demon who wants to bring chaos into the world.  While you're being verbally assaulted, silently pray for help.  Ask for wisdom.  Ask for strength.  Ask for calm.  Do not let your attacker know what you're doing and make sure he or she spews out everything before you say one word.
  • Show empathy.  Let the other person know you care about them and their situation.  If you can't help, let them know you will find someone who can.
  • Remember who wins.  If you're dealing with a dark spirit, be very careful.  The destructive force is off the charts, especially in these times.  In my personal life, the attacks are more frequent and more dangerous than ever.  I recall something my pastor from California told me to remember when he wrote the two most important words we need to know in response to evil – GOD WINS!
Perhaps one of the greatest joys in my life is sharing the Good News.  My new pastor shared his all-time favorite prayer and I liked it so much I decided to post it on my refrigerator door.  It's great for handling verbal abuse as well as any other difficult situation you may face in life:

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.  Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.  Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy.  Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy.  Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.  ~ St. Augustine

Have a great day.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day

One of my sisters is celebrating her wedding anniversary today.  She sent a FB message to her adult children letting them know that anniversaries trump Father's Day so they will need to delay celebrating.  Sharing can be challenging.  My wife and I no longer have our dads in our lives.  Even though they both departed a long while ago, it's days like today when I feel something is missing.  I think back to one Father's Day in particular in my youth when I scoured the backyard for cigarette butts so I could paste them onto a homemade card for my dad.  It wasn't easy for my dad to fight back those tears welling up inside his light blue eyes when he opened the card with the message, I love you, dad and want you to be around.  Please stop smoking.  The message got to him and he quit for a few days.  Unfortunately, the nicotine addiction was too strong and his life was cut short at the age of 67 when he lost his lung cancer battle.  I would give anything to share this special day with him but instead I will focus on the lessons he taught me.

Our youngest son fired up the Weber bbq grill last night and treated our family to some of the finest burgers I've ever eaten.  He wanted to make up for all the special celebrations he missed while overseas serving his country.  I thought about my dad while biting into my lettuce-wrapped burger, a deviation from dad's "world famous" burgers. Before dad departed he went out of his way to make sure I had a weber grill.  If dad were still around he would be selling ice to eskimos along with a weber grill.  I picture him at the head of the table talking about what's going on the world.  At some point he would quip, "hey son, that Father's Day message you gave me years ago about quitting smoking was well written but I want you to know I found a short cut to Heaven."

Those who know me well understand I'm not a believer in short cuts.  I do believe our days are numbered and we need to do our best to make our contributions before we depart.  I'm thankful to be a dad.  It's the best job in the world.  I'm going to savor this day and let my children know how much I love them.  Happy Father's Day to all the dads.  Have a great day.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Keep Your Cool in the Heat

Intense heat has a way of getting the best of our emotions.  Tempers flare.  Little things get to us.  Today happens to be one of those days when high temperatures and high humidity are in the forecast.  I'm going to do my best to stay cool in the heat.  Hydration is a must.  So is counting.  This is a technique I use when I feel my blood boiling over.  Before I respond to a negative attack, often brought on by extreme weather, I count.  This gives me time to collect my thoughts before saying something I wish I could take back.  The more intense the situation, the longer I count.  Try it the next time you need to keep your cool in the heat.  Have a great day.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Got Plans?

Long before you were born plans were conceived for your life.  Your parents saw glimpses of the plan in the choices you made early in your childhood.  You are unique and no one in the world has your talents and abilities.  If your life seems out of control, you may be out of touch with the Creator's plans.

Home builders understand the need for an architect to come up with specific drawings before construction can begin.  Deviating from the plan can lead to problems.  The same is true with our lives.  Free will can lead to construction delays and cost overruns.

I needed to overcome my trust issues with my architect in order to get my life on track.  I learned that his original plans are perfect and no modifications are needed.  I truly believe God will supply me with everything I need to complete his plans for my life.  This gives me peace of mind.  All I need to do is follow the plans.   If you don't have plans, ask for help.  Seek the master builder.  He will give you everything you need.  Have a great day.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Healthy Life Ahead

I'm a big believer in the tiny steps towards good health.  Gone are my days consuming fast foods and double-sized desserts.  It didn't happen overnight.  Neither did all the warning signs I was in danger.  They were like hazard buttons on my dashboard and I didn't pay attention until all of them were lit up at the same time.  High blood pressure.  High cholesterol.  High triglycerides.  Excessive weight.  I later discovered all of these danger signs were linked by one common problem – inflammation.  I was limping along on the road to Hell and needed to change my ways.

I'm still finding creative ways to prepare meals that improve my overall health.  It all comes down to small daily choices.  Adequate sleep.  Zero processed foods.  Generous portions of fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and seeds.  No more than two glasses of wine a day.  Walking during breaks.  Avoiding negative people.  Time with nature.  My inflammation is in my rear view mirror and I'm never going back.  If you are seeking a healthy life, pay attention to  your dash board and get the warning signs checked.  It's never too late to get on the road which leads to a healthy life just ahead.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Keep Your Dreams Alive

Your dreams are like your household plants.  Water them and they thrive.  Ignore them and they perish.  Your dreams need your daily attention.  They are a part of your soul.  Surround yourself with numerous plants for a positive environment.  Recognize the importance of helping others, especially your children.  Every time you criticize a dream, you're killing off a plant.  Encourage a dream and watch it grow to its full potential.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Work Less and Travel More

One of my day job buddies asked me about my goals in life several months ago and he appeared stunned by my answer.  The truth is my long term goals have always been consistent but somewhat of a challenge to achieve.  I once believed the "hamster wheel" approach was ideal because I could somehow reach my goals faster if I simply put my foot on the accelerator and pushed myself.  The problem with this is missing out on all the day-to-day "good stuff" that can't be enjoyed when you're racing through life full speed ahead.

Part of the reason I have the number 808 in my blog title is to remind myself daily of the balance I'm striving for and my ultimate goals – work less and travel more.  The 80 is for the 80 days of work and the 8 is for eight days off.  I took a detour when our family relocated to the Midwest over six years ago and I got a new day job.  Each year I get a little bit closer to the 808 target.  My wife and I are exploring some really amazing places nearby and plan to expand our horizons as we accrue more annual vacation hours to our day jobs.

My day job buddy pondered my answer to his question about goals in life for a couple of weeks and came back to me to share how our conversation enlightened him about his own future.  He's at the age where the "hamster wheel" can be a strong influence on personal choices.  "Work less and travel more seems like a great life goal," he said.  "I think I'm going to give it a try."  I think he's got my number.  There's always room for more people to join the 808 bandwagon.  It moves slower than a hamster wheel but it's not about pace, it's about the quality of the journey.  Have a great day.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Beware of Toxic People

Although we may be living in the same climate zones as toxic people, you may find they appear to get many more rainy days.  That's because these people have the ability to create their own storms.  If you're not careful, you may get wet.  You may also catch something else in these self-generated storms – a negative attitude.  It's highly contagious.  This is not to be confused with negative ions which are known to cause positive energy, something you may need in order to regain your balance after being around toxic people too long.

I have a suggestion for you when you see a toxic person on the horizon.  Run.  If you can't outrun the storm, hide.  If that doesn't work, avoid prolonged contact.  Escape as soon as you can.  I recommend a place with high concentrations of negative ions, such as a beach or beneath a waterfall.  Negative people don't like these places because the negative ions somehow cancel out all their negativity and they are left with nothing to complain about. They prefer to live in stormy weather.  Enjoy your beach time and may you be free of toxic people.  Have a great day.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

What Does Your 100% Look Like?

The conditions were harsh yesterday during our three hour tennis practice.  The winds were blowing.  Humidity was above 90% and the temps soared into the low 90's.  This was an ideal time to see what my 100% looks like.  Good things happen when you consistently give your best.  Your relationships improve.  Your body gets fit.  Your mind sees more clearly.   And you sleep much better.

Commit yourself to giving 100% day after day.  The more you give, the more satisfying your life will be.  Have a great day.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Between the Storms Today

It's all about the timing today.  We're now two weeks away from our state championship match in the battle of Waterloo, set for high noon on June 23.  Mother Nature has been somewhat moody lately and she may complicate things today during practice.  We're doing our best to match the conditions we'll face in our winner take all match by practicing outside at noon.  The farmers may be happy with the wet weather but it's challenging us in our preparation efforts.  We need some outdoor practice to handle the tough conditions ahead.  Look for us in the eye of the storm.  And if it gets to crazy outdoors, we'll move inside.  I'm really happy to be back with the team and feel stronger than ever.  Have a great day.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Inside the Mind of a Writer

My writing life is like playing the piano.  Striking the right keys at the right time produces sentences that provide music for you, the reader.  What happens when that music appears more like scratching on a chalk board?  There are times when I feel sea sick trying to find the rhythm when the notes are choppy and out of place.  That's what editing and rewriting is all about, especially for independent writers like me who lack experienced professionals to coach them through troubled waters.

My next piece is turning into a rhapsody – irregular music without a formal structure that produces powerful feelings and emotional excitement.  No longer am I forcing the notes.  Instead, I'm allowing my mind to wander far outside my comfort zone.  It's a scary place.  A piano has only 8 keys that are repeated in octaves.  There are keys on my laptop that are still a mystery to me and one day I may actually figure them out if I don't toss my laptop in the trash and walk away in frustration.

The reality of my calling is much simpler than I visualize.  I'm overthinking the sheet music.  I need to get more primitive.  The noise of all things processed in our modern world is distracting me and that's probably causing the sea sickness.  I'm warning you about my current project.  When I shared it with my inanimate friend and cohort, Wilson, the look on his face revealed I'm not where I need to be yet.  The pages were worth more as kindling for a campfire than something to be shared with the world.  I do promise to remain on Mulligan's island with Wilson until this book is complete.  The only thing I know for sure is that I'm going to be here a while.  Thanks for your patience.  Have a great day.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Get on the Right Page

Your life is like a book.  Speed reading is not healthy because you miss important details.  I like to savor each page and soak in every precious moment.  Be careful not to stay on one page too long or you may end up exiting before you finish the final chapter.  The right rhythm will allow you to be in alignment with God's plan for your life.  Ask yourself, "Am I on the right page today?  What do I need to learn from today's page?"

The Holy Spirit can help you read between the lines when you're not getting the message you need to keep moving forward.  Your book is unique.  You belong here.  Don't worry if you sometimes get lost.  Keep reading.  Keep living.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

After the Fall

The fall can come at any point in your life.  If you haven't fallen yet, that can be both a blessing and a curse.  It's a blessing because everything you touch turns to gold.  Your relationships are strong.  You don't have a worry in the world.  It's a curse because you don't know how to get back up when things fall apart.  I've become a champion of the fall, not because I wanted to but because circumstances beyond my control dragged me into a deep pit that was so dark I couldn't see any light.  My mother shared her words of wisdom during her "half-time" talk.  She was the coach who had been there, done that.  I was the banged up player who could barely see straight from all the punches the other side was throwing at me.

I came out in the third quarter of my life renewed and invigorated.  I knew more sacks were coming but I also understood I could become unstoppable as long as I was willing to always find a way to stand up after every fall.  My traffic accident four months ago is the best example.  Our oldest son shared what I told him while I was flat on my back in the hospital room.  "You were very specific when you instructed me to send a text message to my sister.  Over and over you told me to type keep climbing and text it to her.  The words had to be exact.  I didn't understand why you were so specific until weeks later," he said.

Our daughter was in the car with me when we were struck by an oncoming vehicle.  She was supposed to ride with me to the hospital in the ambulance but in the rush to get me to the trauma center she was left behind.  The roads were too difficult to navigate and we spent the night apart.  That text message was my "half time" message to her.  She knew exactly what it meant.  Those two words have a special meaning in our family.  They summarize what you do on a daily basis.  They are most important after the fall.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Embrace Change

Like it or not, the world is changing.  Resist and you'll be left behind asking yourself, "what happened?"

I fully understand the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.  Embracing change is a better way because the more I experiment, the better the results.  Insanity is gone with the wind.

Take a look at your daily life.  Analyze every task.  Ask yourself, "is there a better way to do this?"  Keep asking.  Make this your lifestyle.  Your attitude toward change will determine whether you make it happen or watch it happen.  Go for it.  Have a great day.

Monday, June 4, 2018

When Silence is Golden

My mother taught me to bite my tongue when I don't have anything nice to say in a conversation.  As the world becomes more polarized, her suggestions are like precious gems.  I'm realizing how valuable it is to keep my mouth shut.  This gives me the opportunity to concentrate on the real problem – my own self.

The next time you find yourself under personal attack, instead of fighting back, thank the other person for sharing.  Let them know you will consider their points.  In fact, your enemies will give you all the feedback you need to work on improving yourself if you're willing to listen rather than argue.  Have a great day.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

How Forgiveness Improves Your Health

Imagine you're hauling around a sack of bricks everywhere you go.  Day after day.  Month after month.  Year after year.  Ailments show up.  Signs of wear and tear appear.  Replacement body parts are necessary.  All of this because you're hauling around a sack of bricks you accumulated over time that you really don't need. 

I hauled these bricks for years because they belonged to me.  I earned them by getting into fights I could have avoided.  These bricks were my trophies.  Every time someone wronged me I added another brick to my bag.   There were times when someone would approach me and ask for the brick back.  I chose not to let go for one reason.  I wanted the world to see my trophies.

There's a quote about our trophies in the Bible and Jesus has another name for them – trespasses.  It's a fancy name for bricks.  You can also call them grudges.  When my sack of bricks was bulging at the seams I remember going to church and hearing about my trophies/bricks/grudges aka trespasses in the "Our Father" prayer.  "This is BS," I told myself, holding on to every precious brick I earned.  I wrongly believed Jesus was trying to trick me into my own ticket to Hell when he taught, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."  What kind of idiot would actually pray that when we refuse to forgive?   Well, only a fool believes bricks are more valuable in our possession than when they're buried in the past where they belong. 

I'm still working on downsizing my bag of bricks.  I'm finding a correlation between the number of bricks I carry and my health.  Less bricks = improved health.  They're really not trophies for the world to see.  The truth is I'm thankful Jesus disposed of all my bricks and he's helping me let go of the ones others wish to take back.  This is what forgiveness is – an opportunity to be free of all those bricks.  Have a great day.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

How to Stop the Hauntings

If you're suffering from something in your past that's haunting you, this story is for you.  My wife opened up the windows a few minutes ago to let in some cool refreshing air from a morning storm headed our way.  A flock of black birds are yapping as the trees flap back and forth in the gusty winds.  A lone hawk is soaring above searching for something to prey upon.  Add a full moon and some dark skies to the scene I'm viewing outside my window and it could resemble the picture above.  My mind is wandering back to some hauntingly familiar memories when the dark side seemed to have some kind of wretched grip on my life.

The best way I know to deal with the ugly memories is to seek out the one who can stop the ghosts from your past.  These spirits know who Jesus is and they are under his control.  When Jesus says, "Depart!"  They're gone.  You can't change the past but you can let go of painful memories so they no longer have any power over your life.  Ask Jesus for help with this.  The hauntings will stop.  Have a great day.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Psychological Barriers

Freedom from your psychological barriers is in your head.  You hold the key but you may not be aware simply because you still believe your roadblocks are insurmountable.  That poor elephant tied to the stake doesn't realize his freedom is only one strong step in any direction away from the stake.  One step! 

Take a look at the world around you.  How many obstacles are holding your dreams hostage?  Pick one and take that first step away from the stake in the ground and give it a hard yank until you free yourself.  Build on that momentum.  Once you break free, you're free forever.  Spread the world.  Too many people in this world are prisoners of their own false psychological barriers.  Show them how to remove the barriers with your own actions.  Have a great day.